
流行美語 第165課

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李華請Larry到家來幫她修理堵塞的澡盆。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:gross和in a pinch。

LL: Oh, Li Hua, look at the hair clogging your drain. How gross!

LH: 我知道是頭發把澡盆給堵死了。不過, Gross是什麼意思哪? 你是說這裡有很多頭發啊?

LL: No, I’m not referring to the quantity. I mean it is disgusting and sickening!

LH: 原來gross在這裡是指讓人看到難受,令人惡心,不舒服的意思。堵住下水道的東西當然都是很髒的,看見了讓人惡心。不過,上回我在你家看到你的冰箱,那才叫惡心呢!

LL: What do you mean?

LH: 我是說,你冰箱裡的食物有的已經發霉了。That was gross!

LL: I’ve cleaned out my refrigerator since then, and I don’t think it is that gross any more.

LH: 你清理過你的冰箱啦?過兩天我去看看。還有,你把髒衣服到處亂丟,that’s gross, too!

LL: All right, Li Hua, I’m the first to admit that I’m not the best housekeeper. I’ve been so busy lately, that my whole apartment is pretty gross right now, to tell you the truth.

LH: 你能老實承認自己不會理家。那還算不錯的。一般男生都不會整理家。這樣吧!Larry,過兩天我去你家幫你打掃干淨,作為對你今天的幫忙表示感謝。請人來修要花好多錢哪!

LL: Yeah, the amount the plumber will charge you will be pretty gross, I am sure. What tools do you have?

LH: 讓我看看,工具可能都在水槽下的櫃子裡。Ooh, gross! 有只大蜘蛛!

LL: Oh, Li Hua, it is a tiny spider, and I think it is cute. I don’t think it is gross at all.

LH:哎喲,你還說那只大蜘蛛看起來挺好玩吶!It is gross, Larry。


LH: Larry, 我找到那個通馬桶的工具了!用這個來清除這些頭發行嗎?

LL: It will have to do in a pinch.

LH: In a pinch? 那是什麼意思?

LL: You know, a pinch is a tight spot in which you can’t move around or a difficult situation in which you don’t have many options.

LH: Pinch就是很小的地方,沒有什麼周轉余地,或者是處於困難的情況下,沒什麼選擇余地。我的廁所是很小,可是也足夠你站在裡面修澡盆呀!

LL: I meant that we don’t really have a choice about whether or not I use the plunger. I’ll either have to use your plunger, or call the plumber.

LH: 噢,原來你說的in a pinch是指我們別無選擇的意思,要就用這個工具,否則就得請人來修。那你就用這個工具試試看哪!

LL: Well, then let me try to get us out of the pinch we’re in. Let me use the plunger.

LH: 對,用這個工具試試,沒准你能解決這個難題!

LL: Yes, it is working. The tub is draining now.

LH: 水開始流啦?哇!太棒。太謝謝你了,幫我解決了這個大麻煩。You really get me out of this pinch!

LL: It is my pleasure. I am always glad to help a friend in a pinch.

LH: 我們都知道你是樂於幫助朋友解決困難的。好,現在要想辦法解決你的問題了。

LL: Yes, if I don’t get that apartment cleaned before my parents come to visit, I am going to be in a real pinch.

LH: 你要在你爸媽來之前打掃干淨你的公寓,否則你也只好讓他們看到你那骯髒惡心的家了。

LL: Exactly, so now it is your turn to help me out of the pinch I am in.


今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是gross,這是指看到的東西讓人感到很惡心,很不舒服。另一個常用語是in a pinch,這是指陷入困境,沒有選擇余地。


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