Larry和李華正在中央公園等著聽音樂。那裏舉行的戶外搖滾樂演唱會馬上就要開始。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:Boss和Mob scene。
LL: Hey, Li Hua, I can’t wait for the band to start playing. The last concert I went to by this band was totally boss.
LH: 你說上回去聽這個樂隊演出怎麼啦?Boss?那不是指監督工作的老闆嗎?
LL: Right, but when I said the concert was boss, I meant it was really great.
LH: 啊?Boss在這裡是形容演唱會很棒的意思,可是Boss跟很棒有甚麼關係呀?
LH: You know how a boss is above his employees and tells them what to do? Something that is boss is above the others. And better than the rest.
LH: 噢,因為老闆,也就是boss比其他人更能幹,指揮手下人幹活,所以就是棒!那我很喜歡星際大戰電影裡的特效,我能不能說they were boss?
LL: The special effects in the new Star Wars movie were boss. They were much better than in the older Star Wars movies.
LH: 對,我同意。新的星際大戰裡面的特效比以前的星際大戰更棒。Larry,你看到Rick 買的新車嗎?
LL: Yeah, it is nice, isn’t it? Fire engine red with leather seats and a sunroof. That is definitely one boss car.
LH: 我可不喜歡那大紅顏色,像救火車。可是皮座墊和天窗我倒很喜歡。Larry,要是我認為一樣東西不太棒,那該怎麼說呀?
LL: If you don’t think something is that great, you can say something is not so boss.
LH: 要是今天的演出很棒,我就可以說:They are boss! 但是上星期的表演不怎麼樣,那就是:They weren’t so boss.
LL: You are right, in fact. Last week’s act wasn’t so boss. I was there.
LH: 嘿!你看!樂團出來了。哇!他們的服裝好棒噢!So boss!
LL: And wait until you hear the lead guitarist start playing. I think you’ll find he is pretty boss, too.
LH: 你說那吉他手很棒呀?那他肯定很有名,是嗎?噓!要開場了。別說話了!
LL: What a mob scene! The concert is over and now there are people everywhere.
LH: 就是,演唱會一結束,大家都搶著要回家,你瞧這人群哪!哎,Larry, 甚麼是mob scene?
LL: Well, a mob scene, is a big group of people, who are acting in a random and disorderly way.
LH: 噢,mob scene就是指亂糟糟的一大群人。上星期我去看星際大戰電影的首映,買票的人排著隊打鬧說笑,有票的人在門口等著開場。That was a real mob scene.
LL: Yes, the theaters were mobbed for the opening of Star Wars. I am going to wait a few weeks to see it when the lines will be shorter.
LH: 早知道首映的時候會那麼多人,我也該像你這樣等幾個星期再去看,就不必排那麼長的隊了。Larry, 我們該往哪兒走呀?我們得脫離這個mob scene才行,不然我們甚麼時候才能到家呀!
LL: Well, the subway will probably also be mobbed. It will be just as much of a mob scene on the train as it is here.
LH: 啊?連地鐵也會像這裡一樣擠滿人啊?那我們別去和人擠了。我們先走一段路吧!
LL: Okay, Li Hua, I’ve got an idea about how to get away from this mob. Follow me. I know a shortcut!
今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是boss,這是很棒,很好的意思。另一個常用語是mob scene,這是指人很多的場面。