
流行美語 第288課

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李華和Larry在公園散步。最近全球性的經濟衰退,讓Larry憂心忡忡。今天我們要學兩個常用語: do-or-die和 to crater.

LL: Well, Li Hua, I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying your job. But I can’t help worrying about the overall economy. Last night I was out with my friend, Tom, you know.

LH: 我記得Tom, 他還在那家電腦公司上班嗎?

LL: Tom lost his full-time job last month, and now he has only a part-time job at his local gym.

LH: 好可憐,誰會想到做電腦這一行的也會失業。

LL: That has happened just as his relationship with Sarah, his girlfriend, is reaching a crucial stage. Sarah is about to get her degree this June. For Tom, this is a “do-or-die” year.

LH: Do-or-Die? Tom生重病了嗎?那他可真是太倒霉了。

LL: No, “Do or die” just means that Tom faces a key moment. He has to decide how he wants to handle his relationship with Sarah.

LH: 哦,你是說Tom要決定跟女朋友Sarah的關係。這跟他被公司裁員有什麼直接關係嗎?

LL: If he does nothing, Sarah may find a job and move to another city. If he wants to keep their relationship, he might decide to propose to her, but how can he, with only a part-time job?

LH: 我明白了,如果Tom現在不求婚,Sarah畢業會可能會在外地找到工作搬走,如果求婚,Tom現在又剛失業,沒有經濟財力。

LL: That’s it exactly. Tom’s situation is one of “do or die.”

LH: 那你覺得,Tom在這種do or die的情況下,該怎麼做呢?

LL: That’s a tough call. Tom is doing everything he can to get a new job, but the job market is really tight now.

LH: 是啊,現在找工作真的很難,就連很多華爾街原來年薪十幾萬的經紀人都屈尊去做一些低酬勞的工作了。

LL: If Tom keeps his part-time job, perhaps he can slowly save up enough for an engagement ring by the time Sarah graduates.

LH: 這可能是最好的權宜之計了。不行,外面太冷,我們到對面的咖啡廳去坐坐吧。

LL: That was a good idea.


LH: 啊….一杯熱咖啡下肚,我才慢慢暖和過來。你繼續說,Tom怎麼會被公司裁員的呢?

LL: Last November, business at Tom’s company began to slow down. They tried to cut costs, first by not hiring new workers, then by asking the employees to take off every Friday, without pay.

LH: 公司讓僱員每週五休息,這麼說,Tom不是還能工作四天嗎?

LL: That right, Tom still had his job at first, even if he was earning less. But it didn’t work out. The company finally cratered and had to let everybody go.

LH: Cratered? 什麼叫cratered?

LL: It means that the company went bankrupt. You see, a “crater” is a hole or pit in the ground, such as is caused by a bomb or a mine that has exploded.

LH: 哦,crater就是中文裡說的彈坑。這跟公司倒閉有什麼關係呢?

LL: If the company fails, it may be said to have a crash landing. And if the landing is uncontrolled, only a crater may remain.

LH: 我明白了。說公司倒閉,就好像是飛機硬著陸,如果控制不好,最後就只剩一個大坑了。I hope my company never craters. 哎,Larry, 你們公司現在情況怎麼樣?有可能會crater嗎?

LL: I hope not. Usually there are warning signs before a company fails, such as cost-cutting measures.

LH: 對啊,倒閉也有先兆。我聽說,去年美國很多大公司為了削減開支,取消了年底的聖誕派對,甚至減少了超級杯的廣告經費。

LL: I’m afraid that this year and next will bring very tough times for many people, and companies, too. Even big car companies like GM and Chrysler face major problems. For them, it’s also “do or die.”

LH: 那政府僱員呢?他們應該沒事吧。

LL: Generally, Americans believe that government jobs are stable, because the government will never “crater.”

LH: 可我怎麼聽說加州政府為了省錢,要求僱員每個月第一個和第三個星期五不要來上班呢?這就損失了十六個小時的工資啊。

LL: Yes, but they still have their jobs.

MC: 各位聽眾,今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是do or die, 意思是生死關頭。另一個是to crater,意思是公司倒閉。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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