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Larry早上起來正在看報紙,忽然接到小燕的電話。今天我們要學兩個常用語:short fuse和out of this world.

LL: Hello?

XY: Hey Larry! 你起床了?昨天玩到那麼晚,我不會把你吵醒了吧!

LL: Hey no problem. I was just reading the newspaper and drinking a lot of water. I have quite a headache. I can’t believe you bought so many beers for me last night!

XY: 我願意!昨天我可能也喝多了點,當著你的面跟酒吧裡的服務生吵架,真不好意思,對不起了。

LL: Well, Xiaoyan, it’s not really a problem at all. I mean, you tend to have a short fuse anyway.

XY: Short fuse這是什麼意思啊?你每次都說這些我聽不懂的話,真是急死我了。

LL: There’s a perfect example! When a person has a “short fuse,” it means that they have a short temper – they get angry very easily! Now don’t get mad because I said this, or you will further prove my point – haha!

XY: 噢,你是說我急脾氣啊。這我承認。不過,我更願意聽人家說我是一個「充滿激情」的女人。

LL: Having a short fuse can be a good thing, sometimes, but most of the time, I must admit that it can be a bit intimidating or scary. It’s why I try my best to keep you from blowing your fuse – or erupting in anger. It’s ok, my new boss is like this – and I can handle it.

XY: 你真覺得我的脾氣有些嚇人嗎?那我一定改正。對了,你下午有空嗎?我請你吃午飯,而且還有新車接送。不是我吹,買車的時候討價還價,我可是鎮定自若,沒發脾氣。I did not blow my fuse!

LL: I’m impressed, Xiaoyan! Number one, you have a new car. Number two, you didn’t blow your fuse! So what time were you thinking, since you have the car?

XY: 下午一點怎麼樣?這樣你還有時間「梳妝打扮」,以帥哥的形象出現在我的面前。(笑)

LL: Ok. Do you need directions?

XY: 不用,我有全球定位系統。我保證,就算走丟了,我也不會打電話跟你發脾氣。

LL: OK, just call me if there’s a problem!


LL: Wow. Nice car! You must have saved your tip money for YEARS to get such a nice one….

XY: 勤儉節約可是我最大的優點。

LL: Since you’re driving, I’ll pick the joint we’ll go to. There’s a diner just down the street that’s good.

XY: 這家餐館從外面看起來好像不錯,我們進去吧。

LL: So here’s the menu. Their sandwiches are absolutely out of this world.

XY: out of this world? 你吃他們的外星三明治吧。我只要個色拉就行了。Larry, 有的時候,我真懷疑你是不是有點瘋狂,也許這就是你吸引人…..

LL: Xiaoyan. “Out of this world” means really, really good. Excellent. Superb. Delicious. The best.

XY: 哦,out of this world意思是好吃得不得了,簡直非人間食物。那我可得來一個。既然你對吃的東西這麼在行,我能不能說你的品味也是”out of this world” 呢?

LL: Ha ha. Yeah, but you’re the first person to ever tell me that!

XY: 真的嗎?那我再告訴你個秘密:我覺得你這個人也不是一般男人能比的: You are out of this world!

LL: Um… (embarrassed) hey hey… now, anyway, with the sandwiches…

XY: 服務生!給我們來兩個你們這兒最好的三明治,外加兩杯咖啡。希望你們的咖啡也是香濃美味, out of this world!

LL: So, Xiaoyan, I wanted to tell you something…

XY: 你先聽我說,我有個絕妙的主意,就是不知道你明天晚上是不是有空?

LL: That depends, Xiayan, because…

XY: 我想帶你去見我父母。他們在這裡的僑界非常活躍,我想讓他們認識一下你。

LL: Are you sure this is a good idea?

XY: (嚴肅地)當然是個好主意嘍!怎麼會不是好主意呢?

LL: Well, perhaps they’d get the wrong impression. Perhaps I’m getting the wrong impression from you, too.

XY: 誤解?不會有什麼誤解的。怎麼樣,星期天下午五點我開車來接你。咱們就這麼定了。

LL: (Reluctantly) Ok, Xiaoyan. I must admit – your powers of persuasion are out of this world, as well.

XY: 沒錯,我最能說服人了,你就聽我一次吧!

我們今天學習了兩個常用語。一個是short fuse, 意思是急脾氣。另一個是out of this world, 意思是極其美妙。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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