
流行美語 第286課

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李華和Larry一起開車去參加人材招聘會。今天我們要學習兩個常用語: butterflies in one’s stomach和go overboard.

LH: Larry, 我心裏特別緊張。你怎麼樣?

LL: Yeah, I have to admit that I’m a bit nervous as well. Every time I have to go to one of these events, I get butterflies in my stomach.

LH: 肚子裡面有蝴蝶?真有意思。你不是說真的吧!

LL: The expression ‘butterflies in my stomach’ describes the feeling you get in your stomach when you are nervous. That fluttering feeling that can make your stomach feel a bit unsettled is a result of such nervousness.

LH: 這種說法真形象。就是形容心裏緊張,七上八下,好像在打鼓。Well, Larry, I’ve definitely got butterflies in my stomach right now!

LL: I’d tell you not to worry, but I’m worrying myself. Ok, let’s take a deep breath, exit the car, and go into the job fair!

(Sound effect – Inside the job fair building)

LH: Wow,你看,這次來參加招聘的公司還真不少呢!看來我們有機會。可我怎麼好像越來越緊張了呢?

LL: Me too! Let’s start off together, and then we’ll split up if we see other things that fit our taste. Did you bring your resume?

LH: 我帶了三十份簡歷。你覺得夠不夠?

LL: I brought 20 resumes, so I think you definitely have enough. But, are you mentally prepared to make a good impression? You don’t want to show that you’ve got butterflies in your stomach.

LH: 我知道。雖然心裏七上八下的,可表面上還得裝得鎮定自若。哎呀,你怎麼緊張得手都在抖啊。別抖,你看,簡歷撒了一地。

LL: (Flushed) Well, I guess that’s a fast way to get my name and experience out there! Thanks for helping me pick these up. Ok, so how do I look?

LH: 你看起來特專業。來,放鬆點,喝口水,深呼吸,We need to get those butterflies out of our stomach.

LL: Thanks! You look fine, too. Let’s go to the first company booth over there!


LH: 這些人真有禮貌。他們說”keep in touch”保持聯絡,是不是有希望啊?

LL: I’m not sure, Lihua. You may have gone overboard.

LH: Gone overboard? 這是什麼意思啊!

LL: I mean – you may have said and done too much to them. ‘Going overboard’ means putting too much effort or action into something.

LH: 我想起來了,go overboard不是從船上掉下去的意思嗎?

LL: It stems from the meaning of when a person walked too far on the edge of a ship – so far that they fall off of the boat and into the water!

LH: 你意思是說我表現得很差嗎?

LL: No, I mean that you said and did too much. Perhaps you can keep your answers shorter – more direct. And how many resumes did you give them?

LH: 我怕他們u會丟,所以給了他們一人兩份。

LL: See – one resume is enough. What you did is called ‘going overboard.’ Understand?

LH: 明白了,我以後一定注意分寸,除了工作經驗,什麼都不提。

LL: Yes! That’s it! See, the first booth, you talked about your family and even your dog!

LH: Hey! 我可不許你說我狗寶寶的壞話。

LL: Ok. Watch me on this one. I’ll try not to go overboard, so you can watch and learn, Li Hua.

LH: 好,我就在這觀摩。Good luck! You need it. Haha

LL: Hi there, my name’s Larry. I’ve heard a lot about your company and… (聲音變弱)

LH: 這麼快!你留下簡歷了嗎?

LL: Ah! I forgot! (to booth) I’m sorry, here’s my resume, sir.

LH: So, did you go overboard? (laughing)

LL: Funny, Li Hua. Very funny!

LH: 你連名字都忘了告訴人家。他們談到你,肯定會說,「就是那個不留姓名、不留簡歷的神秘人」。

LL: Enough about me! I failed miserably. Let’s see how you do this time. Let’s see if you go overboard.

LH: 一、二、三(數簡歷)

LL: Lihua…Why are you taking so many resumes with you?

LH: 我寧可go overboard, 我也不願意忘記遞簡歷。Wish me luck!

今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是butterflies in one’s stomach, 意思是心裏緊張,七上八下。另外一個是go overboard,意思是做事過份,走極端。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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