
流行美語 第283課

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Larry答應去跟小燕的父母一起吃晚飯,但是心裏覺得很不自在,擔心他們覺得自己是在跟小燕談戀愛。今天我們要學兩個常用語:take something the wrong way和rush into something.

(Door knocking).

LL: Just a minute!

XY: (Door opening) Hey Larry! 我能進來嗎?

LL: Sure…so how are things? Are you enjoying your new car?

XY: 這輛車開起來過癮極了,我父母覺得我買的車太貴,可我覺得,物有所值,好車開起來簡直就是一種享受。

LL: That’s great, Xiaoyan! Hey, do you mind if I ask you a question? Don’t take this the wrong way, but….

XY: 你說什麼?什麼wrong way。

LL: Oh. Well, ‘take something the wrong way’ means to misunderstand what another person says, and it makes them think that something is wrong, but it really isn’t.

XY: 我知道了,take something the wrong way就是誤解別人的意思。你說吧,我聽著,保證不會誤解你的意思。I won’t take it the wrong way.

LL: Honestly… I don’t know if I want to meet your family tonight.

XY: 什麼?不是都說好了嗎?你要打退堂鼓?你是害怕我父母?還是壓根兒就不喜歡我?

LL: Ah, see? I was afraid that you would take this the wrong way…

XY: 你不把話說清楚,別人當然會誤解。那你倒是說說看,你的理由是什麼!

LL: I’m not sure if it’s such a good idea. It might imply…

XY: 暗示?有什麼好暗示的,不就是吃頓便飯嘛。我父母在商界熟人多,我覺得對你今後發展有好處。這難道有什麼不對嗎?

LL: I still think you’re taking this the wrong way. Meeting your parents is a significant step. They may also take this the wrong way.

XY: 你擔心我父母誤會? Don’t take THIS the wrong way, 可你怎麼越說我越糊塗啊。

LL: (Sigh) Perhaps I’m just thinking too much about this.

XY: 就是嘛,你真的沒什麼可擔心的。我父母特別想見你。

LL: Ok, then. I’m ready. How do I look?

XY: 簡直帥呆了。我們走吧!



XY: 我父母可能會問你一些問題,你得事先想好怎麼回答。

LL: Oh? And what kind of questions do they plan on asking? Professional? Personal?

XY: 其實也沒有那麼嚴重,無非是問問你的工作和生活情況,還有我們兩人今後的打算。

LL: Oh, that’s not too – WHAT? OUR future plans? Are you serious?

XY: 你也不用告訴他們特別具體的計劃,隨便說說就行了。

LL: Ok. Wow. Xiaoyan, can we pull over for a minute? I think we need to have a talk. Here’s a spot – you can pull in there.

XY: 你幹嘛讓我趕快停車啊,你要上洗手間嗎?那你可得快點,我父母最不喜歡別人遲到了。

LL: Our future plans? Our future plans? What are you talking about? This is something that I have not considered.

XY: 你今後沒有打算嗎?我們今後的道路還遠著呢,當然得好好規劃一下。不過沒關係,我可以幫你解釋。

LL: Don’t you think we’re rushing into things?

XY: Rush? 我們要是不趕緊上路,我就真得一路飛奔,才能不晚了。

LL: No. I was talking about the relationship. When people ‘rush into things’ in a relationship, they advance or push the levels of seriousness in the relationship too quickly – too early.

XY: 你是說我們的關係發展得太快了嗎?我又沒說馬上就嫁給你。

LL: Wow. That’s REALLY rushing into things, Xiaoyan! I’m talking about meeting your parents. I have been trying to tell you that I don’t feel comfortable meeting your parents because we are not dating. We are just friends.

XY: 朋友也可以一起吃飯啊,跟朋友的父母吃頓飯有什麼大不了的嗎?

LL: I just don’t think I’m ready to meet your parents. I don’t want to make them think that we are in a romantic relationship.

XY: 你不願意讓他們知道?好,那我們就不談今後的打算。這總行了吧。你別那麼緊張,放鬆一點,我父母特別隨和,晚飯一定會很愉快的。不過啊,我們可真得趕緊走了。

LL: (Reluctantly) Ok…

我們今天學習了兩個常用語。一個是take something the wrong way, 是誤解別人的意思。另一個是rush into something, 意思是進展太急。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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    (Phone Rings)
