
流行美語 第279課

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(Phone Rings)

LL: Hello.

XY: Hi, Larry. 我是李華的朋友小燕。你好嗎?

LL: Well, Gee whiz! Xiaoyan, I haven’t heard from you in a long time! What a surprise!

XY: (笑)。是啊,Larry, 好久沒聯繫了,不過,我的名字是王小燕,不是「Gee Whiz Xiaoyan」。

LL: Oh, “Gee whiz”is an expression of surprise or amazement in English, Xiaoyan. I was so surprised to hear your voice, that I said “gee whiz” without really thinking about it.

XY: 哦,gee whiz是感到意外,表示吃驚的意思。我希望接到我的電話是一個意外的驚喜!

LL: Oh, it is definitely a good surprise, Xiaoyan. “Gee whiz” is often used in good situations when something really amazing happens.

XY: 我那天聽李華說,她要回中國去做研究。

LL: That’s right. Li Hua was awarded a scholarship to do her research.

XY: Gee whiz, 李華這傢伙,怎麼沒告訴我獎學金的事!這可是個好消息。

LL: You are right. It is great news. But, you know, Xiaoyan, I’m really going to miss Li Hua. She will be gone for three whole months!

XY: Gee whiz! 三個月確實不短,不過你放心,一眨眼就過去了。

LL: That’s true. So, Xiaoyan, how are you doing?

XY: 挺好的。我現在是中國城一家餐館的領班了。

LL: You got a new job? Gee whiz, that is great news, Xiaoyan. I’m really happy for you.

XY: 我也很高興。你知道嗎?老闆對我很好,餐館的飯菜也很好吃。

LL: So, which restaurant are you working at, Xiaoyan?

XY: 你聽說過金龍嗎?

LL: Gee whiz, the Golden Dragon is one of the best Chinese restaurants in New York City! I’ll have to come sometime when you are working.


XY: 現在李華不在,你過得怎麼樣,Larry?

LL: Well, Li Hua left for China three days ago. I’m feeling a little sad, but I am holding up.

XY: Holding up? 李華走了,你再傷心也不用去搶銀行啊!

LL: Gee whiz, Xiaoyan, your English is really good! We do say that bank robbers “hold up” a bank. But I didn’t mean when I said I was “holding up” that I was going to go and rob a bank.

XY: 不是搶銀行?那你說的holding up是什麼意思?

LL: I meant that I was doing okay. When a person says they are “holding up,” they mean that while they are sad or times are tough, they are going ahead with their daily life as best as they can.

XY: 這麼說你過得還可以嘍?那我就放心了。

LL: But you know, Xiaoyan, it has only been three days since Li Hua left. I am not sure how long I can hold up before I start really missing her.

XY: 最好的辦法就是給自己找事做,千萬不能閒下來。我那天跟John就是這麼說的。

LL: John Smith? I know John, too. What is going on with John?

XY: 公司裁員,他因為資歷淺,所以第一批就走人了。

LL: Oh that is too bad! How is John holding up, now that he doesn’t have a job?

XY: 我想,還可以吧,他現在正到處找工作呢!

LL: I’m glad John’s holding up, and I hope he finds a new job soon.

XY: 他那麼聰明,肯定很快就能找到新工作。

LL: Hearing about John’s situation makes me a little embarrassed that I’m worried about holding up while Li Hua is gone.

XY: 雖說John的處境比你更糟糕,但是思念自己的女朋友,也沒有什麼可不好意思的。

LL: You know, Xiaoyan, I wonder if Li Hua is missing me?

XY: Gee whiz, Larry! I wonder how she is holding up in China without you? 她會不會跟你一樣度日如年呢?

LL: Li Hua can really take care of herself. If I know Li Hua, she’s holding up just fine!

我們今天學習了兩個常用語。一個是gee whiz, 是表示驚訝的意思。另一個是holding up 是勉強,湊合的意思。

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