

Daniel Chen, David Lee
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Taiwan: One-Girl Band a YouTube Sensation

1. Sensation: n. [sɛn’seʃən] 引起轟動的人(或事物)
2. Diva: n. [‘divə] 天后
3. Zither: n. [‘zɪðɚ] 古箏
4. Trio: n. [‘trio] 三重奏
5. Incorporate: v. [ɪn’kɔrpəˈret] 包含;合併
6. Harmonica: n. [hɑr’mɑnɪkə] 口琴

While Asian girl bands such as the Wonder Girls and AKB 48 are achieving success around the globe, a “one-girl band” is attracting worldwide attention on the Internet with a video that has generated more than four million YouTube hits within three weeks.
當亞洲女子樂團如Wonder Girls和AKB 48 正在全球走紅時,一個「一人女子樂團」的YouTube網路影片吸引了全世界的注意,點擊數在三周內超過四百萬次。

The video shows 25-year-old Shara Lin performing Jolin Tsai’s “Dancing Diva” on the piano, violin, and zither all at the same time.
這支影片內容是25歲的林逸欣在用鋼琴、小提琴和古箏同時演奏蔡依林的 「舞孃」。

Lin put the trio performance together within five days for a music training session mixing the classical music into Taiwanese pop music.

To incorporate the different instruments, she held the violin by her neck, adjusted the positions of the zither pick, and arranged the positions of the instruments.

[Shara Lin, Musical Artist]:
“I think the toughest part is to play the piano and the zither simultaneously. We tried many times to finally figure out this position for my left hand to play the piano, and right hand to play the zither. When I have to look at both the piano and the zither, I really wish my eyes could grow wider apart, so if I have to play together, I must play by feel. I have to either feel the keys on the piano and look at the zither, or feel the strings on the zither and look at the piano.”

Lin is a music major at National Taiwan Normal University and has been playing the piano since she was three.

Her love of music quickly expanded into other instruments including the violin, zither, guitar, jazz drums, and harmonica.

[Shara Lin, Musical Artist]:
“After people saw this video, they suggested that I play the drum on my foot and also add a harmonica. I said ok, I will consider that. Of course, I can only play a little bit on the harmonica. If I have to perform, then I must design another set of performance. I will definitely try, if I have a chance in the future.”

Lin said she is willing to try other creative music performances, and whether or not she becomes famous, she looks forward to bringing her music to a wider audience.

本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw

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