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Market Report – Taiwan’s Picture Perfect Weddings

1. wedding photo industry:婚纱业
2. windmill:n. 风车房
3. hug:v. 拥抱
4. occasion:n. 场合、时刻
5. attire:n. 服装
6. bride:n. 新娘
7. groom:n. 新郎

Anchor: On today’s Market Report, a look at Taiwan’s famous wedding photo industry.

A pose at the garden, holding hands in front of a windmill, and hugging at the beach — smiling for the camera is one of the most important occasions of their lives.

For ethnic Chinese, the photo album is a valued part of the wedding tradition.

Taiwan is known among ethnic Chinese in Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, and the United States for attractive wedding packages that include attire for the bride and groom and easy access to coastal or mountain photo scenery.

8. fiancee:n. 未婚妻
9. ethnic Chinese:n. 华裔
10. portrait:相片
11. boost:n. 推动
12. sag: v. 下跌

Alan Chen and his fiancee Chan Mei-ling come from Hong Kong. They spent almost $3,000 on a three-day visit to Taiwan for something they could have done at home.

[Chan Mei-Ling, Bride-to-Be]: “I am very happy and I think it is very special to take pictures here with lots of flowers. The portraits I took before were nothing like this.”

Business in Taiwan had sagged in recent years along with the island’s economy, and Taiwan’s 1,300 wedding studios are seeking new customers as local clients tighten their belts when it comes to spending.

But a fresh boost to the industry is expected this summer from mainland China.

[Celine Liu, CEO, Saromant International Wedding Photo Group]:
“We hope mainland Chinese couples will come to Taiwan and also tour on their honeymoon trips. This will attract more people to come to Taiwan for wedding portraits.”

At least 5,000 Chinese couples are expected in the next year as Taipei and Beijing establish direct weekend flights.


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