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《华文现代诗同仁中英诗选》 许其正主编 张紫涵 英译

来了!来了!我们来了。我们从四面八方来了。我们或从事士农工商军公教。我们有 男有女。我们这一群,或年纪已大,大都已经退休,有些仍在职,最大年纪甚至已八十。我们兴致勃勃地聚集过来,聚集在《华文现代诗》里。当年甚至我们自己都说最多只有二年,从2014年起,到现在,却已五周年。我们或有不同意见,却能磨合,异中求同,大家齐心协力向前走,虽然或者汗流浃背,气喘如牛,却走得兴致勃勃,有声有色。





Poetic Flavor in Poetry
Edited by Hsu Chicheng; translated into English by Zhang Zihan

— Preface to the Chinese-English edition of poetry by my colleagues

By Hsu Chicheng

Yes, here we are! From all directions and different corners of the world. We are differently engaged, in agriculture or industry or business or teaching, inclusive of men and women. As a motley group of senior writers, most of us are retired, the most advanced in age is over 80. With great interest and gusto, we gather together by the periodical of Modern Chinese Poetry. When we made the plan for two years, yet five years have passed since 2014. Though our opinions vary, we try to seek commonness among differences, so as to make concerted efforts for a bright future. In spite of efforts and sweat of the brow, we walk on, bubbling over with great enthusiasm.

What, if asked, is our purpose? For poetry, of course.

We are all ardent lovers of poetry, and we are poets.

It is common knowledge that we, in the mortal world, do not only pursue material pleasures, but also we need to be nurtured by soft culture, particularly poetry. For us, poetry is the most important, for it is the tonic for the soul. In the age of fast development in science and technology, we are living in cities of tall buildings, grey space filled with tall walls which obstruct beautiful scenery. It does us no good if only with science and technology and without soft things to condition us. How can we bear to live, in such cold, dreary, cheerless days without humanity and humanistic cares? Where does our soul rest? Our monotonous days should be enlivened by soft and tender things, among which the best is poetry.

From the founding date of the periodical, five years have passed. It is our common wish to expand the influence, in order for our efforts not to be made in vain; therefore, we take some actions, including the publication of this Chinese-English version of poetry by my colleagues. We hope that this collection can cast a brick to attract jade, for our poetry to be shared by readers across the world, so as to join hands in uplifting human spirit and enhancing world culture.

Poetic flavor in poetry, as well as interest and beauty in poetry. Let us delight in poetry, bathing ourselves in peace and friendly emotion, so as to enjoy our beautiful@


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