


克什米尔渔夫在达尔湖中撒网捕鱼。(TAUSEEF MUSTAFA / AFP)

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The fisherman   Hsu ChiCheng

Expertise is the result of long and hard practice. It must experience many thumped and condensed as to be an expertise.

Success can’t obtain from opportunity. It’s not easily to be a fisherman. The wind and rain, raging sun tempestuous waves and the solitary life all year long on the sea, quenching him, thump him and condense him in successive, he will be a good fisherman.

He needs not to bring the sea chart, he can knows the course, free from the submerged reef, conquer the surging waves, navigate on the sea. Sea chart full casts on his face. Every string of the spider web likes the wrinkle, is not easy to obtain. It’s the meridian and weft, the sea chart.

He knows where the fish is many, where the fish is less. At the sane place, no harvest of others, but he may harvest. He casts the net, he tosses the fishing line, puts down fishhook and bait. Casts the net one time, he casts the hope; and then he harvests. Casts fish line one time, puts down fishhook and bait, he casts anticipation; he drags the joy. The sea is truly a large treasure!

He can know the location he placed and knows the season and their move as he looks at the stars at the sky. No need to study the astronomy, but is rather dependable. All the wisdom shines the brilliance on his black skin. It’s a supreme power.

The experience is a best education. –What is called education, it’s a try originally, the route to obtain the true answer from test. –The wisdom of the fisherman is the thing lay after lay of experience. A doctor of oceanography which he mastered, can closely reasoned and well argued; But he will dizzy before he get on the ship, how can he use the theory into reality? As thus, what use does he full of the theory? He is no more than a fisherman, he who neither needs the theory or sea chart, nor certain needs what kind of compass, can navigate safely still, come and go freely.

Will you want to be a fisherman? Then, you may go! Go to experience! Go to the sea to brave the winds and waves! To cast the sword of your wisdom! It will shine radiance limitless in your future, guilds you on the route. @


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