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在水沟边,在小溪畔,一丛丛的林投树,绿向天空,一茎茎剑叶向外向上挺举,叶缘 长着根根利刺,悠闲自在地聚集。我们折下嫩叶,卷成小小的喇叭。凑向嘴边,便吹 得到处是笛音了。





The Sound of the Flute   Hsu ChiCheng

Here I see the pandanus tetorius, it locates around the windbreak, in tussocks and piles.

The sound of the flute sounds inside my mind.

By the ditch, on the bank of the stream, there’s a tussock after a tussock of pandanus tetorius, greens onto the sky, a stem after a stem of pandanus tetorius sword-like leave lifts erectly outward and upward, the edge carries a stick after a stick of keen sting, gets together leisurely. We snapped the tender leaves, curls them into the little horn, comes cross to the mouth, and then the sound of flute is everywhere.

Of course, we also make them with the leaves of banana, the leaves of the sugar and the stems of the reed as well.

The sound sounds toots and hoots, beside the ditch, on the bank of the little stream, on the road of property, on the pasture…

The sound toots and hoots, during the dawn, the fine day, the cloudy and rainy day, the broad sky…

The sound of the flute toots and hoots, toots and hoots care free, toots and hoots the laughing and playing happy, in my childhood, before the pandanus tetorius in my eyes…@


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