Market Report – China Exports Grim
本则英语影音新闻及出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 //english.ntdtv.com/?c=155&a=8242(可线上观看)
1. grim: adj. 无情的;严厉的;残忍的
2. recovery: n. 复原、复苏
3. deflation: n. 通货紧缩
4. bounced off: v.phr. (球)弹起、弹回
5. stem: v. 堵住(水流等)、拦住、阻挡、遏止
6. boost: v. 推动、帮助、促进
In today’s market report bearish comments from Chinese economic officials did not keep most Asian share markets from gains today.
China’s Commerce Minister says the nation’s export outlook will remain grim for months, after a 17.5 percent fall in January. The industry minister says it is too early to say that an economic recovery phase has begun.
The news comes as China dipped into deflation for the first time in six years, setting the stage for a possible central bank rate easing.
Hong Kong shares bounced off a four-and-half-month low, as HSBC recovered from its biggest sell-off in at least three decades ahead of an $18 billion rights issue.
On the downside, Japanese stocks fell to near 26-year lows, piling pressure on policy-makers to stem the slide and boost the economy.