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Eat and Pay Whatever You Want

本则英语影音新闻及出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 //english.ntdtv.com/?c=156&a=8179(可线上观看)

1. lessen: v. 减少
2. unique: adj. 独特的
3. vegetarian : n. 素食者
4. tuck away: 大嚼大咽
5. formerly: adv. 以前,从前
6. convent: n. 修道院

And with the current economic crisis, times are tough for people all over the world. But one restaurant chain in Melbourne, Australia is trying to lessen the burden with their unique philosophy. Here’s more from our Melbourne bureau.

Lentil As Anything, is a unique vegetarian restaurant tucked away in almost seven hectares of what formerly was a convent in Melbourne Australia.
Lentil As Anything是一家独特的、可以让人大嚼大咽的素食餐厅,占地近七公顷,以前是墨尔本的一座修道院。

7. founder: n. 创始人
8. according to: phr. 根据
9. dictate: v. 命令、指示
10. failure: n. 失败
11. come up with: v.想出
12. microcosm:n.缩影

Its founder, Shanaka Fernando, explains how this restaurant differs from others.

[Shanaka Fernando, Restaurant Founder]:
“It’s a restaurant where you come and eat, and after you eat, if you really like it you can pay whatever you want according to what your experience was. It’s just about personal freedom and letting the forces of human nature dictate our success and failure.”

Shanaka says he came up with the concept of the restaurant as a small microcosm of his aspirations that were formed in Sri Lanka where he grew up.

13. interact: v. 互动
14. gentry: n. 上流社会人士
15. generosity: n. 慷慨
16. circumstance: n. 环境

Part of the Lentil As Anything experience is that people of all backgrounds and classes get to interact with each other.
Lentil As Anything餐厅的部分经验是,各种背景和阶层的人可以在此互相交流。

[Shanaka Fernando, Restaurant Founder]:
“Generally if you are struggling with finances and you are relying on charity for food, you eat amongst people with a similar demographic, but with Lentil As Anything you can come and eat amongst the gentry and the eccentrics and the conservatives and the whole cross section of the community hopefully.”
费尔南多说:“一般来说,如果你的经济状况很糟,三餐是依赖慈善机构,你只能跟你相似的族群一起吃饭。但在Lentil As Anything餐厅,你可以跟上流社会人士、怪人、或传统的人一起吃饭,甚至希望可以跟社会整个横切面上的人一起吃饭。”

The restaurant is a non-profit organization and Shanaka says its success can be attributed to the generosity of its patrons.

[Shanaka Fernando, Restaurant Founder]:
“The fact that rich people come and pay a little bit extra is what subsidizes the meals of the poor people who come and can’t expect to pay what they’d like to pay because of their financial circumstances. So it is the generosity that has made it a success, the response has been overwhelmingly good.”

Kyle Raftery and his friends are a few of Lentil As Anything’s regular customers who enjoy the food.
凯尔和他的朋友是Lentil As Anything餐厅的常客,他们很喜欢那里的食物。

[Kyle Raftery, Customer]:
“It’s great, it’s great! I love the different combinations of things, not your usual stuff. I grabbed the chili pears today which I don’t think I’ve had before…”

Kyle also says that he likes the philosophy behind the restaurant.

Lentil As Anything has now expanded to four restaurants around Melbourne.
Lentil As Anything餐厅现在在墨尔本已有四家分店。

Chris Cominos, NTD News, Melbourne, Australia.
新唐人电视台记者Chris Cominos,澳大利亚墨尔本报导。


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