





明年你一定要再次邀請他們來波士頓歌劇院演出﹗波士頓歌劇院很方便地就在中國城旁邊﹐我在晚會之前﹑之後都可以到中國城吃一些中國菜。凱悅酒店( Hyatt Regency Hotel)與劇院又只有幾步之隔﹐停車及交通也就不成問題了。一言蔽之﹐今年到波士頓的一切都很順利。棒極了﹗。






Dear Boston Opera House:

I was given your email address when I wrote NTDTV Boston to compliment the Chinese New Year Spectacular. I wish to thank you for hosting such a spectacular event! The shows were truly spectacular. I enjoyed every minute of it.

I am an Asian American, so I understand the profound traditional Chinese culture in the program, but I was pleasantly surprised to meet with some of the non-Chinese audiences who loved the program just as much, if not more. During the intermission, I was met with people beaming and radiating with excitement. In fact, the old lady sitting next to me told me during the intermission, “Everything was good!” We had a hearty and enthusiastic discussion on the program and she was very curious about the story of Yue Fei when we admired the photo album together. It makes me so proud of my Chinese heritage and about the show! One interesting comment she made was, “Everyone (the dancers) is so petite.” That was unexpected! I didn’t even notice the artists’ stature because I was thoroughly mesmerized by the program. It was truly spectacular! It is so spiritually inspiring and morally uplifting!

You simply have to bring it back to Boston Opera House next year! The Opera House is so conveniently located in Chinatown, so I had a good sampling of Chinese cuisine before and after the show. The Opera House is also just a few steps from Hyatt Regency Hotel, so I don’t have to worry about parking
or transportation. In short, I thoroughly enjoyed the visit to Boston this year. It was perfect!

I also wish to share with you something very unusual. After I watched the show, I kept running into strangers who are “unusually” nice to me. For some strange reason, I found myself beaming for the following few days, wanting to be nice to others without consciously making the efforts. I met a lady struggling with her luggage at the security checkpoint at the airport and I naturally wanted to help her. She thanked for me and told me how she could manage without me. But I didn’t realize it when I started to help her out. It came out very naturally, and I must tell you — it hasn’t happened for many years! On the flight back home, the old gentleman sitting next me was also unusually nice to me. This strange effect lasted for a few days. I cannot dismiss it as sheer coincidence. I think it may have something to do with the show because it seems to bring out the better part of me and people just respond to that unconsciously! That’s quite amazing power! I just thought you should know about it.

Thank you again for hosting such a wonderful event. I look forward to the Chinese New Year Spectacular at the Opera House next year. Happy Chinese New Year!

Sincerely yours,

Veronica Lee(//www.dajiyuan.com)

2007華人新年晚會首場 下週溫哥華上演