


有虔誠的信仰,才使得這段談話更顯得意義深遠。(Fotolia )

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牠是在搜尋著牠的獵物。——一隻蚊子便是一隻雄獅。一隻飛蟻便是一隻大象。一隻 小蟲便是一隻花鹿。所有的獵物,對牠都是一種喜悅。
牠是在搜尋牠的寶藏。——有許多美食、金銀、玉器在等待牠去尋獲。有許多哲理、 文學、藝術甚至自然科學的精義在等待牠去擁有。
前面許是漆黑昏暗,許是光明燦爛,許是風雷雨雪,許是模糊朦朧,許是深奧幽玄, 許是懸崖峭壁,牠都通行無阻,直入無礙……。

That Tiny Bird of Thought    Hsu ChiCheng

That tiny bird of thought, spreads his wing, soaring, searching.

He sometimes contracts his two wings and soars quickly, elapses instantaneous velocity, like a arrow electricity-like; sometimes spreads equally his two wings, soars slowly and leisurely, as a boat roams on the calm sea…

He soars forwards, soars backwards, soars leftwards, soars rightwards, soars upwards, soars downwards, soars to every direction, and soars to the ancient times, sours to future, soars within the reality, soars in the fantasy.

–He’s a queer tiny bird. He soars into the combination of space and time…
He sours, searches, now high now low…

What does he busy?

He is searches his prey.—A mosquito is a lion. An ant is an elephant. A tiny insect is a chital. As to him, all the prey is his joyousness.

He is searching his treasure.—Many delicious foods, gold, jade objects are waiting him to search after. Many essences of philosophy, literature, art, even nature science are waiting him to posses.

In front of him, there may be black and dim, may be bright and brilliant, may be flying rumours, may be blur and dim, may be profound and mystery, may be the cliff and steep, he will pass through without obstacle, through straightly…

The sky is wide for bird to soar, oh, the tiny bird, you do your best to soar what you want, do your best to search what you want!@


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