
人氣 339

【大紀元2016年07月02日訊】人類是如何生活的? 德國馬戲團的一頭大象有機會在看管員的陪同下,到柏林的一個社區進行了一番考察探究。

瑪雅是一頭40歲的大象。牠是德國馬戲團Circus Busch的成員之一,每天都會參與表演活動。7月1日,瑪雅隨著馬戲團來到德國首都柏林。在休息期間,馬戲團的工作人員帶牠出去走走。




(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
瑪雅大象來到德國柏林的一個社區裡逛逛。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 01: Passersby walk past Maja, a 40-year-old elephant, as Maja took a stroll through the neighborhood with her minders from a nearby circus on July 1, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. Maja performs daily at Circus Busch and circus workers take her on walks among the nearby apartment buildings to vacant lots where she likes to eat the grass. City authorities sanction the outings and federal regulations reportedly encourage activities for elephants to stimulate the animals' cognitive awareness. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
瑪雅大象來到德國柏林的一個社區裡逛逛。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
<> on July 1, 2016 in Berlin, Germany.
瑪雅龐大的身軀,根本就進不了麵包店的大門。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 01: Maja, a 40-year-old elephant, takes a stroll through the neighborhood with her minders from a nearby circus on July 1, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. Maja performs daily at Circus Busch and circus workers take her on walks among the nearby apartment buildings to vacant lots where she likes to eat the grass. City authorities sanction the outings and federal regulations reportedly encourage activities for elephants to stimulate the animals' cognitive awareness. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
瑪雅走在柏林社區的馬路上,小汽車跟牠一比,就跟小孩的玩具車一樣了。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 01: Maja, a 40-year-old elephant, munches on rolls outside a bakery while she took a stroll through the neighborhood with her minders from a nearby circus on July 1, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. Maja performs daily at Circus Busch and circus workers take her on walks among the nearby apartment buildings to vacant lots where she likes to eat the grass. City authorities sanction the outings and federal regulations reportedly encourage activities for elephants to stimulate the animals' cognitive awareness. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
瑪雅用長鼻子聞聞桌子上的麵包。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 01: Maja, a 40-year-old elephant, munches on rolls outside a bakery as a local little girl looks on while Maja took a stroll through the neighborhood with her minders from a nearby circus on July 1, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. Maja performs daily at Circus Busch and circus workers take her on walks among the nearby apartment buildings to vacant lots where she likes to eat the grass. City authorities sanction the outings and federal regulations reportedly encourage activities for elephants to stimulate the animals' cognitive awareness. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
瑪雅還會逗小女孩開心呢。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
<> on July 1, 2016 in Berlin, Germany.
瑪雅想要坐公交車?一隻腿都伸不進來啊。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
<> on July 1, 2016 in Berlin, Germany.
瑪雅在社區草地上吃草。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 01: Circus worker Hardy Scholl coaxes Maja, a 40-year-old elephant, to peek into an arriving street tram during a stroll through the neighborhood on July 1, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. Maja performs daily at Circus Busch and circus workers take her on walks among the nearby apartment buildings to vacant lots where she likes to eat the grass. City authorities sanction the outings and federal regulations reportedly encourage activities for elephants to stimulate the animals' cognitive awareness. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
正在等公交車的瑪雅。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

