珍珠, 有別於一般的寶石。她的獨特之處在於由生命創造而成,在不斷的磨礪中,使自己更加充實、完美和璀璨!生活是一個漫長的旅程,人生充滿了曲折與艱辛,但前方的希望永遠都會向你揮手,衹要擁有夢想。
來到坐落於華盛頓州貝爾維尤市的一家高級購物中心Bravern,衆多的全球著名品牌專賣店林立,整個商場充滿了時尚、高貴、豪華的氣息。一種亞洲人特有的觸覺,將腳步引進了Holly Zhang珠寶店。店裏一位滿臉親切笑容的亞洲面孔,穿戴高貴優雅,且又能感覺到滿載青春活力的女士,她正是這家珠寶店的主人Holly Zhang。
二十年後,一位曾經普普通通的中國女孩,已成爲了一名美國公民,珠寶設計師和企業家。Holly入住了被評爲全美十大最佳居住城市之一的華盛頓州貝爾維尤市,並在這裏實現了自己的夢想,創立了自己的品牌,擁有了自己的公司。有時Holly看著帶有自己名字的招牌,Holly Zhang珠寶店,矗立在這家美國最高檔的購物中心之一Bravern裏,會不由自主的問自己,是在做夢嗎?這是真的嗎?Holly的美國夢確實在這裏得以實現了!
Holly Zhang珠寶店於2011年11月1日在貝爾維尤市高級購物中心Bravern隆重開業。在短短約五年的發展中,店面從在一樓的一個精緻的小店面,擴展至二樓一間相當於原來店面面積兩倍的鋪位,使得Holly能陳列更多她精心設計的產品,提供更好的服務給顧客,成爲一家與衆不同的珠寶店。
籍以Holly Zhang珠寶店五週年店慶,在2016年11月5日下午12點到下午5點,請前來貝爾維尤高檔購物中心Bravern二樓,與這位追夢成真的女孩結緣吧!
A Long Journey – An American Dream Fulfilled
Life is a long journey with many twists, turns and new horizons always beckoning. Holly Zhang opened her pearl jewelry store, Holly Zhang Pearl Gallery, on November 1, 2011 in The Shops at The Bravern, and moved upstairs into an expanded Bravern suite roughly four and half years later. The new location is slightly more than twice the size of the original location, which enables Holly Zhang to offer a wider array of products and services and really differentiate ourselves from other jewelry stores. Holly Zhang would be delighted to have you join her for our 5th anniversary celebration from 12pm-5pm on November 5th, 2016.
According to Holly, “It wasn’t easy to survive the economic downturn, but we managed to establish our designer jewelry brand and build a loyal customer base, as well as good friends and local supporters. A Chinese immigrant, I am now a U.S. citizen, a jewelry designer, and an entrepreneur. I was born in a small dirt-poor peasant family village in Manchuria, China. We only had new clothes and a pair of new shoes once a year. We foraged for wild vegetables, herbs, mushrooms to sell to raise the tuition fee of roughly US$5 per semester, which was still expensive by our standards. Because we were so astonishingly poor, our relatives shunned us, depriving us of a support system most people take for granted. My father was a gambler, and my parents fought constantly over money problems. He lost a year’s worth of earnings of our hard work on the farm in short order, and we grew up with tears from constant financial hardship and distress. As a child I hated being a dirty, messy-haired farm girl, so I studied hard and focused on my dreams. I knew that was the only way out.”
“When I was 16 years old I left home and started my solitary journey. Twenty years later, I live and work in a city ranked one of the top 10 Best Cities in America—Bellevue, Washington—with my name visible in one of the most high-end glamor shopping centers in the United States. Sometimes, I pinch myself and wonder if this is really happening – that my personal American dream to be independent and have my own company has been realized. A key principle of our success is delighting our customers with a constantly changing inventory of unique designs to reflect the very latest fashion trends. Running a pearl jewelry store in the current business climate is not easy—we have lots of competitors who seek to imitate and undercut us. But our uniqueness, quality, professionalism, and excellent customer service are the keys to our loyal customer base and to a successful business. Bellevue is continues to become more and more ethnically diverse; and we are fortunate the locals have embraced this diversity and are pleased to see newly arrived foreigners like myself successfully achieve the American dream. I can now say from personal experience the American dream is alive and well–you just have to seize the many opportunities available in this great country.”