
民主中國陣線主席 費良勇

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民 陣信函陳述說,廣東省陸豐市東海鎮地方各級官員的極端腐敗最終把烏坎這個小漁村的村民逼上群體抗爭之路。村民現在與當局處於對峙狀態。武警控制了交通路 口,封鎖消息,恐嚇村民,斷水斷糧。民主中國陣線在此尋求國際支持,希望聯合國和各民主國家政府及相關機構能夠利用他們的影響,幫助勇敢的烏坎村民。

烏 坎人民代表整個中國的草根階層發出了爭取民主人權的呼聲,他們英勇堅定的抗爭,需要各方面的支持。國際社會必須讓中國政府知道,世界在關注中國,關注烏 坎。民陣希望民主國家及聯合國有關機構,能夠敦促中國政府妥善處理烏坎村事件,立即解除對烏坎的圍困,立即停止對烏坎人民的暴力行為,保證不對烏坎村進行 秋後算賬。如果中國政府能夠正視引起烏坎村事件的根本原因,並本著負責和寬容的態度同村民協商,那麼,烏坎危機就能夠得到化解。這對各方面都有好處。

民 陣請求各民主國家駐廣州的領事館和其它外交機構,派出人員前往烏坎村觀察,瞭解真實情況,並為烏坎村人民提供基本的人道主義援助,為他們運送一些飲水、食 品和藥物去。儘管烏坎被腐敗蠶食,但烏坎人民捍衛了自己的尊嚴。國際社會對烏坎人民維權事業的幫助,也是對世界民主大業的支持。


Urgent Appeal for assistance to the people of Wukan

It is with great concern for the people of Wukan that I am writing to you today. As you have undoubtedly heard, rampant corruption by local government offices has finally pushed this small village in Guangdong to the brink, and its inhabitants are locked in a standoff with authorities. Security forces have effectively sealed off the community, leaving them without food, water or medical supplies.

As the head of Federation for a Democratic China, I am seeking your influence and assistance in helping these brave villagers. They are very determined and do not lack the will or motivation to press for democratic reforms to take back control of their community. While they are making their voices heard on the grass roots level, to be successful they also need pressure from above. They need their struggle for basic human rights to be acknowledged, and for Beijing to know that the world is watching.

Towards that end, we would be grateful if you would exert your influence on the Chinese government and urge them to lift their siege of Wukan. It is imperative that they immediately cease all violence against the people of Wukan and ensure that retribution will not be taken against the protesters or the village as a whole. It is in everyone’s interest that this situation is defused in a calm and responsible manner so that the underlying causes that led to this social implosion can be addressed.

We also urge you to contact your offices operating within China to send representatives to Wukan for oversight and investigation into this fragile situation and ensure that it does not further deteriorate.

Finally, we hope you will at least provide humanitarian support for the villagers by supplying them with potable water, food and medical supplies.

While Wukan has been virtually decimated by corruption, the dignity of its people remains intact. In light of what they are up against, please consider what your assistance will mean not only to their cause, but to struggling democracies the world over.

Many thanks in advance for your kind consideration,

With best regards,

FEI Liangyong
Federation for a Democratic China (FDC)

廣東烏坎局勢發酵  外界關注小村莊壯舉
廣州民眾上街聲援烏坎村民維權 遭恐嚇
世界媒體聚焦中國烏坎村 中共官員全被趕走