
人氣 7









若有時間,請你先參考一下如下的網站,www.falundafa.org, 這是基於宇宙佛法的法輪大法修煉,也是目前最容易入門,且又超常高深的修行,在中國難以計數的人從法輪大法修煉中迅速的找回了健康與生命的價值,應該說非常適合你目前的身體狀況,簡單易學,效果顯著。當然,中國政府這十多年來對這一造福大眾的修行大加詆毀,應該說,共產政權中的「假、惡、暴」與法輪大法修行中尊崇的「真、善、忍」理念是最大的衝突之因。





Dear Mr. Jobs,

I do not know if this brief letter will reach you, but I believe the power of the fate.

Every time I see your thin and fatigue figure in public, I feel vey sad. I always had an intuition that returning to Buddhist practice will save you and grant you a new life.

I learned you have practiced Zen in your youth. Although it did not last long, I think the Buddhist practice contributes greatly to your later success at Apple. The Buddhist principles provide guidance to Apple’s great enterprise spirit.

Now you have stepped down from CEO position due to health reason. It may looks like a bad thing, but it could be a good thing depending how you view it. As Buddhist school advocating circle, the returning from career peak may lead to unexpected opening in life and fulfillment of your unfinished mission.

Come back to Buddhist practice and complete your mission. Everything seems to back to square one, in fact it is an opportunity to leap forward in life. May Buddha’s blessing hand on your body.

If you have time, please visit www.falundafa.org. Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong ) is a high-level Buddha school cultivation practice guided by the characteristics of the universe: Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. The practice is very easy to start and can have immediate result. Countless people in China have returned to health through Falun Gong practice. This practice is ideal for your current physical condition: easy to learn and could have immediate significant result. Currently Chinese government are persecuting Falun Gong practitioner and slandering Falun Gong practice. This is largely due to the conflict between communist ideology and Falun Gong’s Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance principle.

Here are some my personal information: I am an electrical engineer from mainland China and came to United State in the end of 1999. Short after, I began to practice Falun Gong. Now I am working in Washington DC. Because ongoing Falun Gong persecution in China, I can’t return home and has became US citizen a few years back.

Best wish you could comprehend life and obtain health. I always thought you and your family have a deep predestined relationship with Buddha.

Best wishes to you and your family.

喬布斯逝世 庫克致信員工
比爾蓋茲悼喬布斯 情義真摯