HTC’s “Hero” Takes on The iPhone
1. take on: ph. 挑战
2. splashy: adj. 亮眼的
3. stylish :adj. 时髦的
4. equate :v. 等同
5. bold: adj. 大胆的
6. copycat: n. 模仿者
7. matte :adj. 雾面的
8. tailor: v. 使合适
9. customizable: adj. 可客制化的
10. profile: n. 个人资料
Inside the shell of a converted tram shed in East London, a splashy launch for a stylish smartphone.
[Horace Luke, HTC Chief Innovation Officer]:
“Let me introduce to you HTC Hero.”
The touch screen device built on Google’s Android platform equates to a bold attempt by HTC to take on Apple’s popular iPhone — not by creating a copycat — but by building an attractive alternative.
这台搭载Google Android平台的触控萤幕装置,可以视为宏达电挑战Apple大受欢迎的iPhone的一个大胆尝试–并非模仿它,而是提供另一种吸引人的选择。
The “Hero” supports Adobe Flash, has a five megapixel camera with built in geotagging. It also uses Teflon on the matte white underside of the phone to help resist dirt.
这台英雄机支援Adobe Flash,拥有五百万相机画素,内建geotag(将照片加上全球座标的功能)。它也在手机下方雾白色的部分使用铁氟龙材质以防灰尘。
However, what HTC is really emphasizing with this launch is just how much the user experience can be tailored to suit individual preferences and moods.
There’s even a name for this customizable interface — it’s called Sense.
[Horace Luke, HTC Chief Innovation Officer]:
“The first thing you’ll notice is that your experience is completely tailor made to the kind of content that you would actually use. The second thing is that we have a technology in here called scenes and with just one touch you can change your profile from being at work to going out at the weekend. For example, on the weekend you might not want your work email and with just one touch it changes the personality of the phone to suit what you’re using the phone for.”
“第一件你将会注意到的事,是你的经验可以完全被客制化到你实际使用时的内容。第二件事,是我们这里提供一种科技叫作 “场景”,只要透过手指点一下,你就可以在周末时将你的状态从工作中改成外出。例如,在周末时,你可能不想收到你工作上的e-mail,只要手指碰一下,就可以将手机模式更改成你想使用的状态。”
11. Application: n. 应用软体
12. contact: n. 接触
13. post: v. 发布
14. cover: v. 采访; 报导
15. device: n. 装置
16. significant: adj. 意义重大的
17. offering :n. 提供、出售物
And rather than having to open several applications to see what a friend is up to — each contact has a profile page with:
[Horace Luke, HTC Chief Innovation Officer]:
“All the SMS from the person, all the email from the person, all the different updates that person may have posted on Facebook and Flickr, all the photos that person may have posted.”
And call history too. Luke says thought even went into how the phone would sit when placed on a table.
Andrew Lim has worked for years covering mobile devices, for CNet and now for He says HTC has taken a significant step forward with its latest offering.
[Andrew Lim, Editorial Director Recombu]:
“If you look at their previous products, they still had a way to go but I think the HTC Hero is as close as anyone has got to a real iPhone competitor.”
Hero is launching in Europe this July through T-Mobile and Orange. It will be released in Asia later in the summer and a North American version will be available sometime in 2009.
So far, no pricing details have been announced.