

Daniel Chen
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Internet Shopping on the Rise


1. on the rise: ph. 正在上升
2. high street: ph. 主要街道; 大街
3. down to: ph. 归因于
4. credit crunch: ph. 信用紧缩
5. internet savvy :ph. 网路专家
6. consensus profit: ph. 协商一致的利润
7. year on year :ph. 年成长率
8. catwalk show: ph. 时装走秀
9. give off: ph. 释放、散发
10. vibe: n. 颤动

Shoppers tightening their belts during the economic downturn are choosing to make their purchases online. Analysts say a migration of shoppers from thehigh street to online retail sites is down to people wanting to make a saving.

Alan Clark is an economist at BNP Paribas. He said, “There has been a structural shift, we know that people look at the high street find what they want and then but it cheaper on the internet. So the pure internet component of the national statistics retail sales data has been doing very, very well.”

One online company which hasn’t felt the credit crunch’s bite is online fashion retailer ASOS. They target internet savvy 16 to 34 year olds looking to copy celebrity styles.

As the second-biggest online fashion retailer behind Next, their sales rose by 104 percent in the year ending March 2009.

Their consensus profits were around 14 million pounds, giving them an 80-90 percent increase year on year.

CEO Nick Robertson forecasts even further growth. He said: ”So what we’re seeing now is about four to five percent of fashion bought on the internet in the UK today but that will move to seven or eight or nine percent in the next three to four years.”

The website uses moving images in catwalk shows and photos giving off a fashion vibe to its customers.

11. prospect: n. 展望
12. in line with :ph. 和…一致
13. in which case :ph. 在这种情况下
14. proposition: n. 事业
15. optimistic: adj. 乐观的
16. online spending :ph. 线上消费
17. catch on :ph. 流行
18. set one’s sight on 设定目标于…

Robertson also said ASOS is winning the online fashion race in the UK and sees buying products online as the real macro trend.

The company stocks more than 800 brands as well as its own brand and over 21,000 products. He says their positive prospects makes it an attractive investment.

[Nick Robertson, CEO, ASOS]:
“We’ve been on the market since 2001 and effectively sales have grown at a compound 80 percent for the last five to six years and profits have been growing in line with that, in which case has made us quite an attractive investment proposition.”


Analysts are also optimistic about e-tail’s future. [Alan Clark, UK Economist, BNP Paribas]: ”I think there is going to be a lot more emphasis on online spending. It’s more efficient, it has been cheaper, I think it’s quite positive.”
分析师们对于电子商店的未来也相当乐观。 [艾伦克拉克,英国经济学者,法国巴黎银行]:“我认为将来会有更多的重点放在线上消费。因为它更有效率,而且一直都比较便宜。我认为这相当正面。”

As web trends catch on and more people continue to shop at the touch of a button, ASOS could be setting its sights on the U.S and European markets.


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