

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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Two fellow practitioners I had met in Beijing, Lin and Qin, came down to Guangzhou.

Twenty-seven-year-old Lin was a housewife. When the persecution began, she practiced Falun Gong in Tiananmen Square, and thus was arrested and tortured by the police. Upon release she practiced in Tiananmen Square again, and thus was arrested and tortured again. Upon release she went to Tiananmen Square again…

Her wealthy businessman husband was greatly shaken, “I really don’t understand how Falun Gong could make such a slight woman like you become so brave, willing to give up such a comfortable life and risk your life safeguarding Falun Gong! I’ve got to read Zhuan Falun!”

Later he read Zhuan Falun, came to understand his wife, began practicing Dafa too and held up a banner — “Falun Dafa is Good!” — in Tiananmen Square.

Qin was a college teacher in her forties. When over ten thousand Dafa practitioners held a peaceful rally in Tiananmen Square on the night of December 31, 1999, she participated in it too.

With a professional digital camera, Qin took many photos of the splendid scenes of Dafa practitioners holding up banners in the rally. Police detected her and took her to the Tiananmen Police Station.

In a small room in the police station, a policeman brutally beat her for four hours on end, forcing her to reveal who gave her the camera ( An overseas fellow practitioner gave it to her).

The beating made Qin’s entire body swell so severely even the fellow practitioners who had known her for years couldn’t recognize her when she was carried out of the torture room. Nevertheless Qin didn’t tell the police who gave her the camera.

As soon as she was put in jail, Qin started a hunger strike along with the three hundred Dafa practitioners detained there for resisting the persecution.

The shaken warden said to the Dafa practitioners, “I will definitely read Zhuan Falun! I’ve got to find out why you guys aren’t even scared of imprisonment for Falun Gong, as though you were eating honey!”

Upon arriving in Guangzhou, Lin and Qin unceasingly met with Guangzhou fellow practitioners, sharing their experiences of resisting the evil persecution and clarifying the truth to mainland Chinese.

The gatherings sometimes were held in practitioners’ homes and sometimes in restaurants. All of the practitioners attending the gatherings use public phones to contact each other. Due to the severe police watch, there were a few times we were within an inch of being arrested.

Soon after Lin and Qin left, several Northeastern and Beijing Dafa practitioners came down to Guangzhou to share their experiences too.

After getting out of the detention center I often attended this Northern-and–Southern fellow practitioners’ gatherings.

Master Li’s hometown was in the Northeast of mainland China, and Master Li’s spreading Dafa also started from the Northeast and Beijing; as soon as the persecution began, numerous Dafa practitioners there stepped forward to safeguard Dafa. As those Dafa practitioners kept coming down to the South to share their thoughts and experiences with the Dafa practitioners in Guangdong Province, more and more Guangdong Dafa practitioners stepped forward to safeguard Dafa bravely as well.

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