Jiang Zemin had given orders: “To wipe out Falun Gong within three months!” “To ruin (Falun Gong practitioners’ )reputations, bankrupt(them)financially, and destroy(them) physically!”
By Jiang’s order, 610 Office was set up. The task of the office was to abduct and persecute Dafa practitioners.
From the Central Government down to every village, county, town, district, city, and province, there was the 610 office, like a spider wet penetrating the whole nation.
Around me, more and more fellow practitioners had been fired by their work units and abducted into detention centers, brainwashing gulags, labor camps and prisons without trial; and many fellow practitioners were being followed by police.
There were two elderly fellow practitioners from my practice site who were arrested while having morning tea in a restaurant. Police said, “A Falun Gong meeting another Falun Gong is an illegal gathering!” The two elderly ladies said, “We have known each other before taking up Falun Gong!” Police said, “It’s none of our concern! It’s the Central Government’s order!”
Clouds of terror enshrouded mainland China.
Mainland China had turned into a vast prison for persecuting Dafa practitioners.