
流行美語 第143課

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Larry和李華正在討論暑假期間做什麼。李華建議邀請一些朋友一塊兒去露營。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:long shot和the buzz.


LL: Well, it’s a long shot, Dave and Laura probably already have something planned.

LH: 那倒也是,他們可能已經計劃好了暑期活動。不過,這跟long shot有什麼關系哪? Shot是射擊。我邀他們去露營,不是去打獵……

LL:No, there’s nothing to do with shooting!

LH:等等,我知道了。你的意思是,他們已經有計劃了,所以不太可能和我們去露營,long shot就是不太可能,是不是?

LL: That’s exactly what it means. A “long shot” is something that is not likely to happen or there is only a small possibility of success.

LH: 你看,我猜對了吧! Long shot是指不太可能的事。要不我們可以加入他們的活動啊?

LL: That’s a long shot, too, because it’s probably too late to make the necessary airplane or hotel reservations.

LH: 是嗎?現在已經不太可能訂到機票和旅館啦?那…還有什麼是可能的,而不是long shot呢?

LL: We could spend the vacation with my family at my parent’s lake house. I’m pretty sure that my parents would be happy to join us there.

LH: 哇!到你爸媽的湖邊別墅去度假,還能見到你爸爸媽媽。那真是太好了。Larry,你怎麼沒早點想到這個好計劃嘛?

LL: Well, I thought it was a long shot that you’d be willing to spend your vacation with my family. My parents sometimes could be boring.

LH: 怎麼會呢?我很喜歡你爸爸媽媽。他們很和善,也很風趣。你妹妹也是個很有意思的人。我想我們會玩得很開心的。

LL: It’s a long shot that my sister will come home to spend the vacation. She said she’s going to Europe this summer.

LH: 噢,她要去歐洲呀?我也很想去,但是現在沒錢。Larry,暑假去你們家,我們會不會到湖裡游泳啊?我要不要帶游泳衣呀?

LL: You should definitely bring a bathing suit.

LH: 那麼,要不要帶件毛衣呀?

LL:You could, but it’s a long shot that you’ll need it.


LH: Larry,你准備好了嗎?我們該出發了!

LL: Yep. I’m all packed. I decided to bring some new movies with us to watch, too, including a new horror movie. The buzz is that it’s really scary.

LH: 你還帶了電影哪?太好了,不過我可不愛看恐怖電影。對了,Larry,你剛才說,the buzz is…,什麼是the buzz?

LL: Buzz is slang for what people are saying about a particular topic, person, or thing, not necessarily bad.

LH: 噢,buzz就是指大家談論的話題,所以你的意思是大家都在說這部電影很可怕,是不是?

LL: Right. I brought that new Tom Cruise movie, too, because I know you’ve been wanting to see it.

LH: 真的,你還帶來了Tom Cruise最新的電影。Larry,謝謝你!最近大家都在談論,那就是: The buzz is Tom Cruise又有新女朋友了。

LL: I really don’t pay any attention to the buzz about celebrities’ personal lives. I’m just not interested in it.

LH: 我對關於名人的傳說通常也不太感興趣。但是,Tom Cruise是我喜歡的電影明星,所以有關他的事,我是比較注意的。

LL: Oh well, all the buzz in the media about their personal lives probably didn’t help their marriage that much.

LH: 沒錯,那些媒體的報道對他們的婚姻不但沒有什麼好處,甚至還可能間接地破壞了他們的婚姻呢!

LL: That’s right!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是long shot,是形容某件事不太可能發生,機會不大。另一個常用語是the buzz,是指大家對某人或某事的談論。


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