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他的腿是宇宙间最好的弹簧,弹性极佳,只要蹄一踩地面,便能借势弹起,依照意志 之所向,弹多高便多高,弹多远便多远……。
他的身体结实,具有钢的坚实性,也具有弹性,且韧性十足,组合良好,能展现雄姿 ,也能配合腿的弹跳,向前奔驰……。
有人说他是良驹。有人说他是千里马。他任人去说。反正名称是一个符号,只有代表 的意义,赞誉也罢,贬抑也罢,于己何妨?

That horse  Hsu ChiCheng

Clop, clop, that horse raises his hoofs to run, a leap after a jump, comes from distance, and dashes to another distance…
He emerges heroic pasture, sounds hop, hop, keeps on running forward ceaselessly…
His legs are the best spring of the universe, very good in elasticity, only his leg treads the ground, he can jump make use of it, according to the direction of his will, how high he can shoot is the high, how far he can shoot is the far…
Sturdy has his body, it posses the solidity of the steel, and also posses the elasticity as well as full of tenacity, good in constitution, can emerge heroic pasture, and cooperates with the leap and jump too, running forward…
Somebody said he was Liang Jiu . Somebody said he was a 1Khorse.He let them to say. At all events, the name is a symbol, just means the stander, let it go to praise, let it go to play down, how harm to him does it do?
He runs fast forward, runs in the storm, passes strong physical strength, run through layer upon layer of barriers of the time…
He really is a 1Khorse.1Khorse needs appreciated by Pole, but where is his Pole?
He emerges heroic pasture, raises his hoofs to run, sounds hop, hop, keeps on running forward, comes from distance, and dashes to another distance…
He aims to the destination, keeps on running forward ceaselessly…

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