

Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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這次是去北京見漢密斯.麥當勞(Hamish McDonald),澳洲最有影響的報紙《悉尼晨鋒報》(Sydney Morning Herald)的駐京記者。











Mother and I went back to Maoming after staying at my uncle’s for three days.

Thereafter I stayed with my parents, doing housework, reading English literature, reading Dafa books and practicing the exercises.

610 frequently harassed us by calling and coming to my parents’ home, saying they were concerned about me and thus wanted to know I was thinking.

My parents and I were watched closely.

Once, Mother took me to an old coworker’s home for a visit. As soon as we left, 610 came to her home and interrogated her, “What’s the relationship between you and that mother and daughter? What did they tell you?”

Once, I called a student in Guangzhou at a pay phone. The student and her parents were immediately interrogated and threatened by 610.

I was literally like under house arrest, having my connection with the world completely cut off.

My parents didn’t know what to do with this situation.

Eventually I persuaded my parents into letting me break through the 610 blockade.

My parents’ home was on the fourth floor of an apartment building. On the first floor lived a doorman, whom the Maoming 610 had ordered to watch me. At a midnight in August, 2004, upon making sure the doorman had gone to bed, I swiftly carried my backpack, bade my parents goodbye, tiptoed out the building and entered into the dark night…

I detoured northward again.

This time I was going to Beijing to meet Hamish McDonald, a Beijing-based correspondent with the influential Australian newspaper, Sydney Morning Herald.

A while earlier, when Hamish contemplated interviewing a Dafa practitioner based in mainland China, a Dafa practitioner in Australia introduced my sister to him.

Upon meeting him twice in Sydney, my sister gave me his number in China, telling me he was very interested in interviewing me.

On the way northward, I made a stop at a remote, poor countryside, staying at my childhood nanny’s home.

I never went outdoors during the day, and only at late night did I walk for ten minutes to the public toilet (There was no toilet in the nanny’s home).

The countryside nights were pitch dark and eerily quiet. I walked by flashlight. Every trip of going outdoors could mean no return – besides the 610 and police officers everywhere, crimes were as rampant in this countryside as in the other parts of mainland China.

During the two days in the countryside, I told the nanny couple and their two teenage sons the truth of Dafa, meanwhile made a phone call to Hamish.

Hamish asked me as soon as he answered the phone, “When can you come? I’m looking forward to meeting you.”

I told him I was already on the way, “I’m looking forward to meeting you too.”

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