

流行美語 第197課


李華今天請Larry到家裡來一起看電視轉播的世界盃比賽。今天是美國隊對捷克隊。李華會學到兩個常用語:make a big stink和to be creamed。

(Sound of knocking door)

LH:請進來! Come on in, Larry!

LL: Oh, hey there, Li Hua, I see the game has started. What’s the big stink?

LH: 球賽剛開始。你說這兒有臭味? 我沒有聞到什麼臭味呀!

LL: No, I don’t mean your apartment is stinking. I was asking why the soccer players are making a big stink. Big stink means making a big fuss or complaining.

LH: 噢,你是問電視上這些球員在吵什麼?嗨,美國隊踢進了一個球,可是沒有得分,因為裁判判定失誤,所以就吵了起來。

LL: So, the players are mad, and the U.S. soccer coach is making a big stink by arguing with the referee.

LH: 是啊, 美國隊個個氣得火冒三丈。美國教練通常比較低調, 這次也忍不住跟裁判爭執,表示強烈不滿。

LL: Yeah, but I don’t think making a big stink about the call is going to change the referee’s mind.

LH: 我也這麼想呢, 大吵大鬧是不會改變裁判的決定的,還不如就算了, 接著比賽就好了嘛。

LL: This reminds me of when I played baseball as a kid. Every once in a while a parent would get upset with the umpire and make a big stink.

LH: 這不僅是你小時候打棒球的情況,現在也是那樣。美國家長特別重視孩子的體育活動,有比賽必到現場,為孩子打氣。覺得不公平還會對裁判大喊大叫。 我父母只有在我學習成績不好的時候才會嚴厲批評。

LL: Li Hua, weren’t you the perfect student? I can’t imagine your parents having anything to make a stink about.

LH: 誰說他們不生氣?我上中學的時候, 有個學期我的數學成績很差。 我父母就特別生氣。這對他們來說才是件大事。

LL: Well, they had your best interests at heart. Say, you know what I want to make a big stink about now?

LH: 我當然知道他們是為了我好。You want to make a big stink?有什麼事讓你不滿意呀?

LL: Where is the snack food? You can’t watch soccer without having some snacks.

LH: 嗨,你們美國人呀,看球就非得吃零食。不過,這不是什麼大事。You don’t have to make a big stink。 廚房裡有好多吃的,你自己去拿 吧。


LL: Have some chips, Li Hua. Hmm…it looks like the U.S. is getting creamed.

LH: Creamed? Cream不是奶油嗎?

LL: No, creamed mean getting beaten. And badly.


LL:That’s right. Say, Li Hua, why are you rooting for the U.S. team, anyway?

LH: 我為什麼幫美國隊呀?你忘啦,中國隊在亞洲地區賽中輸給了科威特隊, 根本沒有資格參加世界盃賽。

LL: Oh, yeah, I remember that. They were creamed pretty badly – Six to one, as I recall.

LH: 沒錯,輸給科威特六比一!別說了, 一提起中國隊的慘敗, 我就傷心。 所以現在我支持美國隊, 因為我在美國留學, 可沒想到美國隊也要輸了。The US team is going to be creamed!

LL: The Czech Republic team is really good. I am not surprised the U.S. is getting creamed.

LH: 美國隊看來是輸定了,我們別看球了。出去玩吧。

LL: It’s a nice day, Li Hua. Let’s go out and play some badminton.

LH: Larry,打羽毛球 你可不是我的對手, 說不定會被打得一敗塗地呦。I’m sure you’ll get creamed.

LL: I tell you what, Li Hua, if you cream me at badminton, I promise…

LH: 你保證什麼?

LL: I promise not to make a big stink about it!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是make a big stink, 意思是大吵大鬧、表示強烈不滿。李華學到的另一個常用語是to be creamed意思是被擊敗。 (//www.dajiyuan.com)