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多倫多2月增25測速攝像頭  倡導者:只解決部分問題

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【大紀元2022年11月07日訊】(大紀元記者王蘭多倫多報導)多倫多周圍將安裝 25 個新的超速執法攝像頭,但道路安全倡導者警告說,該市不能僅依靠這些設備來實現消除道路交通死亡的目標。





莊德利表示,「零道路死亡願景計劃」為多倫多街道帶來「大規模轉型」,包括道路重新設計和十字路口的改變、新的中間街區交叉口、1,000 多個行人信號燈、1,100 多個社區安全區以及超過500公里的道路限速降低。



「這些攝像頭是一個很好的權宜之計,因為它們確實有效,並且確實改變了駕駛員的行為。」道路安全倡導者傑西卡·斯皮克(Jessica Spieker)說,她在一次交通事故中受了重傷,現在與一個名為「為朋友和家人安全街道」的組織合作。




多倫多的零死亡願景計劃於 2017 年開始。兩年後,市府加倍實施該戰略,要求工作人員研究多項措施,包括安裝測速攝像頭、改變道路設計和降低主幹道的限速。

今年早些時候,在 2017 年至 2021 年期間,「零死亡願景」的運營和資本支出總額估計為 2.056 億元。 2022 年的預算包括 6,400 萬元用於擴大執法和學校十字路口警衛計劃。

儘管如此,道路倡導者表示,自該計劃開始以來,死亡人數並沒有太大變化。 2016 年多倫多街頭有 78 人死亡,這是過去十年來的最高水平。總的來說,自 2013 年以來,城市街道上每年約有 60 人死亡。

今年截至 11 月初,多倫多街頭已有 45 人死亡。


  1. Thistle Down Boulevard east of Albion Road (Etobicoke North)
  2. Martin Grove Road south of Eglinton Avenue West (Etobicoke Centre)
  3. Mimico Avenue west of Station Road (Etobicoke-Lakeshore)
  4. Lansdowne Avenue near 108 Lansdowne Ave. (Parkdale-High Park)
  5. Pritchard Avenue near Batavia Avenue (York South-Weston)
  6. Sheppard Avenue West west of Keele Street (York Centre)
  7. Driftwood Avenue east of Jane Street (Humber River-Black Creek)
  8. Avenue Road north of Elwood Boulevard (Eglinton-Lawrence)
  9. Gladstone Avenue south of Cross Street (Davenport)
  10. Dennison Avenue south of Grange (Spadina-Fort York)
  11. Bloor Street West west of Clinton Street (University-Rosedale)
  12. Davisville Avenue east of Yonge Street (Toronto-St. Paul’s)
  13. Queen Street East near Sackville Street (Toronto Centre)
  14. Logan Avenue north of Wolfrey Avenue (Toronto-Danforth)
  15. Harrison Road near Vernham Avenue (Don Valley West)
  16. Sloane Avenue near Draycott Drive (Don Valley East)
  17. Freshmeadow Drive west of Applegate Crescent (Don Valley North)
  18. Senlac Road north of Elynhill Drive (Willowdale)
  19. Main Street south of Swanwick Avenue (Beaches-East York)
  20. Danforth Road east of Huntington Avenue (Scarborough Southwest)
  21. Lawrence Avenue East near Canlish Road (Scarborough Centre)
  22. Birchmount Road north of Bay Mills Boulevard (Scarborough-Agincourt)
  23. Tapscott Road west of Blackwell Avenue (Scarborough North)
  24. Orton Park Road south of Ellesmere Road (Scarborough-Guildwood)
  25. Lawrence Avenue East west of Port Union Road (Scarborough-Rouge Park)


    1. Kipling Avenue north of Rowntree Road (Etobicoke North)
    2. Humberwood Boulevard south of Pinecone Drive (Etobicoke North)
    3. Bloor Street West near 4034 Bloor St. W. (Etobicoke Centre)
    4. Allanhurst Drive near Mulham Place (Etobicoke Centre)
    5. Burnhamthorpe Road west of Dundas Street West (Etobicoke-Lakeshore)
    6. Norseman Street near Lothian Avenue (Etobicoke-Lakeshore)
    7. Dundas Street West east of Watkinson Avenue (Parkdale-High Park)
    8. Parkside Drive south of Algonquin Avenue (Parkdale-High Park)
    9. Keele Street near Nashville Avenue (York South-Weston)
    10. Emmett Avenue near 75 Emmett Ave. (York South-Weston)
    11. Keele Street north of Wandle Avenue (York Centre)
    12. Giltspur Drive near 120 Giltspur Dr. (York Centre)
    13. Weston Road south of Burgundy Court (Humber River-Black Creek)
    14. Duncanwoods Drive west of Gracedale Boulevard (Humber River-Black Creek)
    15. Neptune Drive west of Bathurst Street (Eglinton-Lawrence)
    16. Glengrove Avenue West west of Glen Castle Street (Eglinton-Lawrence)
    17. Ossington Avenue north of Churchill Avenue (Davenport)
    18. College Street near Sheridan Avenue (Davenport)
    19. Dundas Street West near Carlyle Street (Spadina-Fort York)
    20. Queens Quay West east of Bathurst Street (Spadina-Fort York)
    21. Bloor Street East east of Castle Frank Road (University-Rosedale)
    22. Howland Avenue south of Wells Street (University-Rosedale)
    23. Yonge Street near Glen Elm Avenue (Toronto-St. Paul’s)
    24. Russell Hill Road north of Coulson Avenue (Toronto-St. Paul’s)
    25. Alexander Street east of Yonge Street (Toronto Centre)
    26. Sherbourne Street south of Wellesley Street East (Toronto Centre)
    27. Dundas Street East west of Boulton Avenue (Toronto-Danforth)
    28. Carlaw Avenue south of Queen Street East (Toronto-Danforth)
    29. Overlea Boulevard east of William Morgan Drive (Don Valley West)
    30. Fenn Avenue north of Gordon Road (Don Valley West)
    31. Don Mills Road north of Overlea Boulevard (Don Valley East)
    32. Fenelon Drive near Karen Road (Don Valley East)
    33. Old Sheppard Avenue east of Ladner Drive (Don Valley North)
    34. Van Horne Avenue near Silas Hill Drive (Don Valley North)
    35. Beecroft Road near Lorraine Drive (Willowdale)
    36. Hilda Avenue north of Drewry Avenue (Willowdale)
    37. Gerrard Street East east of Beaton Avenue (Beaches-East York)
    38. Wolverleigh Boulevard west of Glebemount Avenue (Beaches-East York)
    39. Midland Avenue south of Aylesworth Avenue (Scarborough Southwest)
    40. Blantyre Avenue south of Swanwick Avenue (Scarborough Southwest)
    41. Midland Avenue north of Tara Avenue (Scarborough Centre)
    42. Dorcot Avenue west of Lyon Heights Road (Scarborough Centre)
    43. Finch Avenue East west of Birchmount Road (Scarborough-Agincourt)
    44. Glendower Circuit near Nearwood Gate (Scarborough-Agincourt)
    45. Brimley Road north of Pitfield Road (Scarborough North)
    46. Ingleton Boulevard east of Presidents Court (Scarborough North)
    47. Morningside Avenue north of Danzig Street (Scarborough-Guildwood)
    48. Dormington Drive north of Ellesmere Road (Scarborough-Guildwood)
    49. Morrish Road near Starfire Drive (Scarborough-Rouge Park)
    50. Littles Road south of Rangeley Drive (Scarborough-Rouge Park)

