只要是万年青,是它的茎,是它的干,随便剪取一段,放进水里,固定水中,它便活 了,而且活得鲜绿,愉快,活得长青……
很快地,它的根便从被剪断的地方长出,一丝丝,一缕缕,纠结缠绕,探向水中,去 吸取养分,活得鲜绿,愉快,活得长青……
它不图什么享受,不择什么口味,丝毫不苛求,只要一钵水,干净也罢,肮脏也罢, 它便能活得鲜绿,愉快,活得长青……
还要像什么高贵的花木,要园丁去小心呵护,修剪,施肥,除草,驱虫吗?不需要! 它早已活得鲜绿,愉快,活得长青……
挺着茎干,撑着绿色剑叶,只要一钵水,一片阳光,它什么都可以不要,什么都可以 不管,活得鲜绿,愉快,活得长青……
Flourish Forever Hsu ChiCheng
Just the rohdea japonica, may his stem, may his trunk, cut a section to place in the water, fixed in the water, he will live, and live into vernal, happy, and live into evergreen…
Rohdea japonica, oh, flourish forever!
In very soon, his root sprouts from the place where it’s cut, a string and a string, a thread and a thread, tangles and twines, stretch toward the water, to inhale the nutrition, live to be vernal, happy, live to be evergreen…
Rohdea japonica, oh, flourish forever!
He conspires no of whatsoever enjoyment, selects no of whatsoever taste, be no too exacting, only one pot of water, pure can be, dirty can be, he can live into vernal, happy, and live into evergreen…
Rohdea japonica, oh, flourish forever!
May like the noble garden plants, need the gardener to preserve carefully, to clip, to fertilize, to weeding, to drive the worm? It’s no need! He live formerly into vernal, happy, and live into evergreen…
Rohdea japonica, oh, flourish forever!
Straightened up the stem and trunk, hold the sword-like green leaf, just a pot of water, a piece of sunshine, he can’t want whatsoever of any thing, he can’t matter whatsoever of any thing, live into vernal, happy, and live into evergreen…
Rohdea japonica, oh, flourish forever!
Elegant and quiet, self-satisfied, no do more lust, just to offer as tribute…
Rohdea japonica, oh, flourish forever!@