河的两岸有许多水草和岩石等。它们便是造物者创设的万千琴弦。河水是弹琴的手指 ,尖细而修长,日夜不停地调拨着琴弦,灵活而熟练。
多像一名少女在弹琴!她把所有的深情凝聚在指尖,倾注到琴弦上,再由琴弦化为一 只只彩蝶,袅袅飞升,飞向她梦中的白马王子。
潺潺、淙淙、琮琮、叮叮、当当……那是水琴在弹奏,轻轻缓缓地,柔柔和和地,从 我小的时候开始,一直在我的心灵深处……。
The water lyre Hsu ChiCheng
There is a river, flows from my childhood, slightly, slowly, flows into a water lyre, deep in my heart.
There are many water weeds and stones on the banks of the river. There are million of strings created by the Creator. The river water is the fingers of the lyre, keen and long, plays the strings day and night ceaselessly, nimble and skilled.
How does it like a girl play the lyre! She holds her deep emotion with concentrated attention on her finger points, pours to the strings, turn into colourfull butterflies one by one, raising curl upwards, flies to her prince charming in her dream.
Is it the violin? The seven-stringed plucked instrument? The Pipa? The huqin? Or the piano?…
Is it the serenade? Or the aria? The lyric poetry? The Sang Ci? The Yuan Qu?…
One melody follows one melody. It’s the created melody by the Creator strains his mind.
Slightly, slowly, and soft, long and exquisite, deep emotion in great earnest, kilo wind and hundred curl, linger and linger ceaselessly, don’t disperse for long…
They are a flower and a flower, spatter fully on the river back, sparkle rays of light a bit and a bit…
They raise slightly roll of joyousness, gentle and pleasant, drive away whole the unhappy and worry…
Gurgling, murmuring, bubbling, ding-ding, dong-dong…it’s the water lyre playing, slightly, slowly, soft and soft, comes from my childhood, within my deep heart still…@