园里错列着各种形状的花圃,有圆形的,椭圆形的,半圆形的,正方形的,长方形的 ,菱形的,三角形的,还有不规则形的,杂然纷陈,一一罗列……
花有盛开的,有半开的,有微开的,有含苞未开的,花朵、花苞、花蕾,交相错杂, 衬以绿叶……
花色纷繁多彩,多种多样,红、黄、白、紫、蓝、靛以及许多种颜色在同一朵花上的 ……
蜜蜂飞来了,蝴蝶飞来了,飞蛾也飞来了。它们翩翩飞翔着,穿行在群花间,悠游来 去,怡然自得,采着蜜,传播着花粉……。
当然,也有人穿行在花间。那个是园丁吧!看!他喷水浇花,又除着杂草呢!那些是 赏花人吧!他们行走在花圃间的走道上,从一个花圃到另一个花圃,停停走走,走走 停停,指指点点,时而弯下腰,伸手去牵扶起花儿来细瞧,来嗅闻,来品味……
这,不用说,是造物者手握夕阳这只彩笔在云上创作的画了。祂挥洒着。祂绘画着。 祂付出了所有的心血,乃有了这一座晚霞花园轻悬在西方天边,来愉悦我……
Afterglow Garden Hsu ChiCheng
Raise my head, just view there is an afterglow garden hangs slightly on western azure, brilliant and splendid, bright and radiate, as dream as illusory…
There jumbled the flower nursery of many shapes, that is, the round, the ellipse, the semicircle, the square, the rectangular, the rhomb, the triangle, and the irregular, appear miscellaneously, included within one by one…
The flowers are fully blossom, half blossom, slight open, be in bud, the flower, the bud, the flower bud, mix together, set off the green leaves…
Numerous and complicated the flower colour, multicoloured, there are red, yellow, white, purple, blue, indigo-blue and many kinds of colour on a flower…
May it be the rose . May it be the orchid. May it be the lotus. May it be the chrysanthemum. May it be the crape myrtle. May it be the sunflower…
The honey bee comes. The butterfly comes. The moth comes. They flutter, shuttle among the flowers, leisurely, fell happy and contented, gather nector, disseminate pollen…
Of course, there is someone shuttle among them. May he’s the gardener. Look! He waters the flower, and also he weeds. And these are the men appreciate the flower. They walk on the path among the flower nurseries. From one flower nursery to another flower nursery, they now walk now stop, now stop now walk, point and dot, sometimes bow their waists and stretch their hands to hold the flowers to peer them carefully, to smell them, to taste them…
Wordlessly, this is the picture created by the Creator who grasps the coloured pen of the setting sun in his hands. He wields. He paints. He offered all his painstaking care, then there has this afterglow garden hangs slightly on western azure, to make me so jubilation…@