o 你好,我是 XYZ 公司研發部的考瑞忠。
Hello, this is Corazon calling from XYZ R&D department.
(電話溝通中,I am 要改為 This is。)
o 請問大衛在嗎?我是Stone公司的布蘭達。
Is David available, please? My name is Brenda from Stone company.
= Is David in the office?
o 您好,我想與大衛談話。
Hello, I’d like to speak to David.
= Hello, may I talk to David, please?
= Hello, may I speak to David, please?
o 我就是大衛。
This is David.
= David speaking.
o 請您將您的名字拼給我好嗎?
Would you please spell your name for me?
o 我能知道您貴姓大名嗎?
May I know your name, please?
= May I have your name, please?
= Can I ask who’s calling, please?
= Excuse me, who is this?
o 請稍後!
Hold on a moment, please.
= Hold on, please.
= Hold on.
= A moment, please.
= Can you hold the line?
= Can you hold on a moment?
o 抱歉,您打錯電話了。
Sorry, you have the wrong number.
= Sorry, you dialed the wrong number.
o 喔,抱歉!我打錯電話了。
Oh, dear. I think I’ve dialed the wrong number.
o 不,這裡是財務部,我幫你查分機號碼。
No. This is the Finance Department. I will check the extension number.
o 不好意思,他忙線中。
Sorry, his line is busy now.
= His line is engaged now.
= He is engaged now.
o 不好意思,他在開會。
I am afraid he’s in a meeting.
o 不好意思,他不在辦公室。
I am afraid he’s not in the office.
= Sorry, he is out at the moment.
= I am sorry he isn’t in.
o 不好意思,他現在不方便。
I am afraid he’s not available just now.
o 不好意思,本部門業務主管史帝夫已經離職了。
I am sorry, but Steve, our Sales Director, is no longer with us.
o 可以請您稍後再撥嗎?
Would you please try later?
= Could you ring later?
= Could you call later?
= Could you telephone later?
= Would you mind calling back?
o 有什麼我可以為你效勞?
Is there anything I can do for you?
= Is there anything else I can do?
= May I help you?
= What can I do for you?
= What can I do to help?
o 需要我幫你安排約會時間嗎?
Would you like me to fix up an appointment for you?
o 艾德琳的分機是 229。
Adrin’s extension number is 229.
o 我將你轉接至美姬。
I will put you through to Maggie.
o 能幫我轉分機326?
Can I have extension 326?
= Could I speak to extension 326?
= May I speak to extension 326?
= Can you connect me to extension 326?
o 請問你的分機是?
What is your extension number?
o 請問你的傳真是?
What is your fax number?
= May I have your fax number?
o 請問安東尼的電子郵件是?
Could you tell me Antony’s email address?
o 我將請她回來後儘速與您聯繫。
I will ask her to call you back as soon as she is back.
o 可不可以請她回我電話,我的電話是: 531477
Could you ask her to call me back, please? My number is 531477.
= Could you ask her to call me at 531477, please?
= Could you ask her to call me back, please? She can reach me at 531477.