英國政要發賀信 恭賀「世界法輪大法日」

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英國保守黨人權委員會副主席本尼迪克特‧羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers提供)

英國著名人權運動家,英國保守黨人權委員會副主席本尼迪克特‧羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)發來一篇長文,文中寫道:




「我有幸鼓勵成立了一項獨立調查————由傑弗里‧尼斯爵士(Sir Geoffrey Nice, KC)領導,調查強制活摘器官的情況。這一調查結果顯示,這種野蠻罪行仍在繼續,法輪功學員一直是這一暴行的主要目標之一,這是一種反人類的罪行。我還參與組織了保守黨人權委員會舉辦的多次關於中國人權的調查,其中包括對法輪功的迫害,以及一次專門針對強制活摘器官的調查。






From Vice-Chairman of Human rights commission, Ben Rogers:

Dear Friends,

On this World Falun Dafa Day, I am delighted to offer this statement of solidarity and to express my respect for and friendship with you.

As you mark the 31st anniversary of the introduction of Falun Dafa to the public, and the 24th year in which World Falun Dafa Day has been recognised by millions of people around the world, I wish to express my deep appreciation for your courage in standing by your important values of ‘Truthfulness’, ‘Compassion’ and ‘Forbearance’. These values are not only Falun Dafa values, but universal values, human values and values which everyone who believes in the dignity and freedom of human beings can admire and share.

Falun Gong practitioners have suffered unbelievable, horrifying and intense persecution since the crackdown by the Chinese Communist Party regime against Falun Gong began in 1999. Over the past ten years or so, I have learned more about the shocking atrocities perpetrated against Falun Gong practitioners by then CCP regime, and I have played a small part in trying to help shine a light on the suffering of Falun Gong practitioners.

I had the privilege of helping to encourage the establishment of an independent inquiry the China Tribunal into forced organ harvesting, led by Sir Geoffrey Nice, KC. That tribunal concluded that this barbaric crime is continuing, that Falun Gong practitioners have been among the principal targets of this atrocity, and that it is a crime against humanity. I have also been involved in organising several inquiries into human rights in China held by the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, which have included the persecution of Falun Gong, and one specific inquiry into forced organ harvesting.

In the course of my work for human rights I have had the privilege of coming to know several Falun Gong practitioners personally, and I have always been deeply impressed by their kindness, hospitality, intelligence, spirituality, compassion and goodwill truly living according to “Truthfulness,” “Compassion” and “Forbearance”.

Throughout my adult life I have worked for human rights, and in particular the basic right, enshrined in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to freedom of religion or belief.

Throughout China millions of people are denied that basic right of freedom of religion or belief. Christians, Tibetan Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims and others face severe persecution for their religious beliefs. Alongside them, Falun Gong practitioners have endured some of the most brutal, inhumane and systematic persecution.

I stand with anyone and everyone persecuted for their religious beliefs, and that is why I stand with Falun Gong. You should be able to enjoy the freedom to practise and share your beliefs, as every human being should, and I will continue to work with and for you until the day when everyone in China can enjoy that freedom.

I congratulate you on the events you have organised around the world for World Falun Dafa Day, and I congratulate you on your perseverance in the face of appalling injustice and inhumanity.

Benedict Rogers

Co-Founder and Chief Executive, Hong Kong Watch

Deputy Chair, Conservative Party Human Rights Commission

希爾頓勳爵(Lord Hilton)

希爾頓勛爵(Lord Hylton)也發來他的支持。他說:


From Lord Hilton:

I salute the members of Falun Dafa for their strong defence of freedom of conscience and belief. They have suffered persecution for daring to differ from atheist communism, as developed in China.

安東尼•布朗議員(Anthony Browne MP)


安東尼‧布朗議員(Anthony Browne MP)賀信原件

安東尼‧布朗議員(Anthony Browne MP)在發來的信函中說:






安東尼‧布朗議員Anthony Browne MP

瑪麗•林默議員(Marie Rimmer MP)

瑪麗‧林默議員(Marie Rimmer MP)在來信中說:



From Marie Rimmer MP:

Falun Gong practitioners have been unfairly and unjustly targeted for far too long. Whether it’s forced organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party, or general interference in freedom of religious belief, it is completely unacceptable. Nobody should be persecuted for their religious beliefs.

I want to wish you all a happy Falun Dafa Day and I hope one day that it can be freely practiced in China.

費尤.克拉克議員(Feryal Clark, MP)
費尤‧克拉克議員(Feryal Clark, MP)賀信原件

費尤‧克拉克議員(Feryal Clark, MP)發來書面信函,在信中寫道:



帕特里克格雷迪議員( Patrick Grady MP)

帕特里克‧格雷迪議員(Patrick Grady MP)也發來了他的祝賀,說:



From Patrick Grady MP:

Many thanks for your email regarding the World Falun Dafa Day’s rally in London on Saturday (13 May).

Unfortunately, I won’t be in London on Saturday so will be unable to attend. However, I’m more than happy to pass on the following message of solidarity to read out:

“This December will mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The rights set out in that declaration are fundamental and intrinsic to every single human being and must be recognised, respected and protected by the international community. Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghur Muslims, and other minorities in China must be allowed to express their beliefs and practice their faiths free from persecution and intimidation. The UK Government and other democracies must take whatever steps they can to identify and challenge those responsible for persecution, arbitrary arrest and detention, unfair trials, torture, summary executions and forced organ harvesting. Many MPs across the House of Commons support practitioners of the Falun Gong and their right to practise their faith without fear, and we send our support and solidarity in the fight for freedom and an end to persecution.”

Please be assured of my continuing support and solidarity on this issue.

Best wishes

Patrick Grady

Member of Parliament for Glasgow North

伊恩•默里議員(Ian Murray MP)

伊恩‧默里議員(Ian Murray MP)在來信中說:


From Ian Murray MP

“During my 13 years as Member of Parliament for Edinburgh South, a dedicated group of campaigners in my constituency have kept me updated on the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. I remain deeply concerned about the persecution of people on the grounds of their religion or belief in China, be it Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, Christians, Buddhists, or Falun Gong practitioners. The freedom to practise, change or share one’s faith or belief without discrimination or violent opposition is a human right that all people should enjoy and it is unacceptable that it is still allowed to take place. The Chinese Government should be held to account on accusations of organ harvesting and the exposure of the treatment of the Uyghur people is more evidence that their actions are against all international law and norms. Furthermore, the international community should come together with one voice to oppose the persecution of Falun Gong and to stand united against all forms of racism and persecution.”

Very best wishes,

Ian Murray MP

Labour Member of Parliament for Edinburgh South

Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland

利斯特男爵夫人(Baroness (Ruth) Lister)

利斯特男爵夫人(Baroness Ruth Lister)在來信中說:「作為了解太極練習益處的人,我非常支持你們為爭取和平環境、煉習法輪功的權利而進行的運動。祝願你們的集會圓滿成功。」

From Ruth Lister Baroness :

As someone who knows the benefits of practising Tai Chi I very much support your campaign for a peaceful environment in which you have the right to practise Falun Gong.  I wish you well for your rally.

Best wishes

Ruth Lister

Baroness Ruth Lister of Burtersett


513法輪大法日 紐約州60多政要褒獎致賀
【視頻】5.13法輪大法日 麻州伍斯特升旗慶祝
慶祝法輪大法日 芝加哥法輪功學員謝師恩
法輪大法日 休斯頓慶祝大法洪傳31周年