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To play water on the sea side   Hsu ChiCheng

“ Let’s go to sea side to play water!”
May be it’s too hot. It often hears thus invitation, and also hears there are some one responded:
“Well! Go!”
Lo, there are many persons on whole the sea side in playing the water. In the water, there is some one in swimming, there is some one soaking, there is some one chasing. there is some one sprinkling the water; on the sand beach, there is some one collecting the shell, there is some one catching the crab, there is some one laying under the parasol; and the besides, the more there is some one chase and play on the sand beach as well as chase and play on the water…
The sea wave explodes into many flowers. The sound of laugh explodes into many flowers. The sound of words explodes into many flowers…
“Woe, how cool it is!”
Yes, it’s cool the sea water, the face of laugh, the hail!
“I catch one!”
What you catch? Catch a crab? Catch a fish? Catch a happy?
“I’m learned.”
“What are you learned? Swimming? Sprinkling? Catching the crab?
They go back themselves when it’s dawn. They are infatuated with. After all, they have been such a happy time in the playing water of the sea side. They also start to long for :
“Come again! Come to the sea side to play the water!” @


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