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On hearing the surge   Hsu ChiCheng

I have heard the sound of surge.
It’s transmitted from the sea.
It may be a calamity probably on the sea again.

I’m suddenly alarmed and panicky within my mind. — The most armed and panicky ought to be the sailor.

How do I won’t to hear them, how won’t I wish to hear them! But it’s helplessly. They often transmitting, about the time the typhoon is coming or the time the tsunami arises…

From my childhood, I dwelled in the place no far of ten kilo metre from the sea, though once to leave it, but it’s merely five or six years, most of the time I lived there, especially about three or four years, I study in the school by the seaside, when the time about typhoon is coming or the time the tsunami arises, I often hear the sound of the surge; so in my imprint of the sound of the surge is very deep. I often alarmed and panicky every time I hear them, and there are many images come clearly into my eyes:

–It’s thousand or ten thousand of blue horses run and chase before my eyes. The sea surface is a wide open country. Group of horses running, chasing, run to, chase fro, one follows another one closely, horse’s hoofs tread incessantly, with the sound of hoop. They as run as neigh loudly shaking the earth the sound.

–It’s the wild wind blow fiercely to the pine forest of the mountain. The pine forest spread links one by one incessantly. The wide wind pass through them, push and sway the pine trees, and the pine tree erects strongly one by one, want to stand tall and straight; hence the sound of puff are spread, it’s woeful and shrill, pitiful, long, will be surprised to hear.

–It’s the scene of the avalanche. The snow, thousands, a large piece after a large piece, falling all sorts of, collapse speedily, without head and brain, bump and bump, boom and boom, with imposing manner, not care to collide of what so ever, cover and press all the things…
It’s the downpour comes down in sheets. A clack after a clack, burst into an outcry, walla-walla, the rain likes the cobble, the rain likes the bullet, falls down toward the ground, shots to everything in the world, contains the power of inflict casualties and wreck which countless, adds the lighting which breathtaking and thunder which boom, it’s more turn the beat around.

It’s the fight of the violent tiger and lion in group! One after another violent animal, with swords drawn and bows bent, wild whistle and violent shout, do best they can, one stroke, with high spirit, the morale to pull the mountain, fight with very intense, to death.

It’s the grand sight of a miserable war. Loud sounds the sound of the firearms. The sound of fighting and tragic call of the soldiers shakes the earth. The flags shelter the sky. The horn sounds urgently, repeatedly urges the soldier to fight bravely. In order to triumph, all soldier march forward courageously, to take up the positions of the fallen and rise to fight one after another, blood reddened the ground, die without anything to regret.

The sound of surge often makes me alarmed and panicky.—the most alarmed and panicky ought to be the sailor, but not me. When they come, it often engulf many sailors, even ruin whole the large ship. How I won’t to hear them, how I won’t wish to hear them! But it’s helplessly. They often transmitting, about the time the typhoon is coming or the time the tsunami arises…

But what we can do? They often will come, it’s not use to stomp our feet, and also no use to alarmed and panicky. It is just the manifestation of coward. When they transmitting, perhaps, perhaps, only head-on them! Ought to head-on them while we meet any big problem! @


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