


新港懸崖走道旁海浪滔滔沖擊著巖石(攝影:徐明 / 大紀元)

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The sea wave   Hsu ChiCheng

I’m here. I come to sea side to watch the sea wave.

The sea wave is raging.

Yes. The sea wave is often raging.

Is it the sea deep breathing over and over? Is the sea practicing the action over and over? Are there many blue children playing game? Are there many blue horses with white neck feather and tail galloping? Are there many girls put on the blue clothes with the white collar dancing?

The sea wave rises up and falls down again.

The sea wave rises up, rises up and rises up again, rises up high to many metres, rises up high to many metres, still rising, rising to higher more than many floors. It’s a tussock and a tussock of sword. Every tussock has many swords. Every sword has snow-white blade, the sharp sword blade. It’s but the sparse sword all over the world. It can peel the iron and cut the jade, whirl one time careless, how hard the iron or jade it is, will break with rustle immediately. If you don’t believe it, may you see the sword light, sword radiate and sword spirit which press us! It’s the truly cold radiate press us! Let us can’t open the eyes, shut eyes for it, blind for it, surprise for it, cold for it!

The sea wave falls down, falls down and falls down again, from the height down to ground floor, from many ten metres down to many metres, down to sea surface, falls down once more, falls down still, falls down to the sea bottom. It’s pressed and covered by very heavy, weighty. It falls piles and tussocks of the stone which all sorts of, it’s the heavy mountain collapsed rapidly. Is there who dare to bear the heavy pressure ? What thing can bear and will not be destroyed? They issue large sound at the same time. It’s truly the angry mob howl! Is the roars of the tiger, the growl of the wolf, hearing the sound, as if meet the fierce animal which pounce on with fire-like eyes, will tremble without cold.

If it doesn’t cause the harm, we watch the sea wave rises up and falls down with raging, as if it’s the circus troupe to play, is good in fact; however, it’s unfortunately often caused harm. Swirls away people and animal is not to be surprised; seizes and cuts off the land, makes the sea change into mulberry field, even break the ship into half of it, it can’t help let’s stare tongue-tied, an unrivaled sight, can’t help singing and sobbing constantly.

We can think of the great force of the sea wave.—In fact, the sea wave is the symbol of the force of the ocean originally!

Oh, sea wave, you ought to rage! Though you often obstruct the navigation, cause injury, but you ought to rage. Without you, the sea will breakers calm and waves still, smooth sailing, just as there are not plight in your life, rather too flat and lack of taste. May be it’s the cleaver arrangement of the creator of the nature! @


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