慶川普就職 梅蘭妮亞家鄉舉辦3天慶祝活動

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【大紀元2017年01月21日訊】唐納德·川普(Donald Trump,特朗普)的就職典禮對原在歐洲的小國斯洛文尼亞上的一個小鎮卻是一件大事,因為白宮迎来的新一任「第一夫人」是從這個小鎮走出去的。


塞夫尼察市長奧克維克(Srecko Ocvirk)說,塞夫尼察組織了免費的旅遊嚮導,歡迎所有希望了解第一夫人成長中曾經居住過城市的客人能夠領略到這個小鎮獨特的風土人情和標誌性建築,還有當地生產的貨物,以及擁有12世紀城堡的老城區,釀造葡萄酒的葡萄樹修剪節等等。

TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BOJAN KAVCIC A road sign reading 'Sevnica' is seen on December 20, 2016 at the entrance to Sevnica, Slovenia, the home town of future US First Lady Melania Trump. Golden "Melania" cakes, "White House" slippers, guided tours tracing her rise from pony-tailed schoolgirl to international model -- tiny Slovenia has tapped into big marketing opportunities thanks to its most famous daughter, the future US First Lady Melania Trump. / AFP / Jure MAKOVEC (Photo credit should read JURE MAKOVEC/AFP/Getty Images)
圖為2016年12月20日,豎立在塞夫尼察一個公路邊的路牌,提醒人們這裡正是美國剛剛宣誓就職的第45任總統川普的妻子、第一夫人梅蘭妮亞的家鄉。(MAKOVEC (JURE MAKOVEC/AFP/Getty Images)
People watch the inauguration of the US president live on a screen on January 20, 2017 in Sevnica, Slovenia, the hometown of the future first lady. Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on January 20, issuing a staunchly nationalist vow to put "America first" in his opening address to a country -- and a world -- watching a page of history turn. / AFP / STRINGER (Photo credit should read STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年1月20日,塞夫尼察舉行為期3天的慶祝活動,祝賀女婿川普的就職典禮。圖為,鎮上的居民在觀看川普宣誓的直播視頻。(STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images)
TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BOJAN KAVCIC Slippers with the lettering "The White House", are pictured on December 20, 2016 in Sevnica, Slovenia, the hometown of future US First Lady Melania Trump. Golden "Melania" cakes, "White House" slippers, guided tours tracing her rise from pony-tailed schoolgirl to international model -- tiny Slovenia has tapped into big marketing opportunities thanks to its most famous daughter, the future US First Lady Melania Trump. / AFP / Jure MAKOVEC (Photo credit should read JURE MAKOVEC/AFP/Getty Images)
在斯洛文尼亞小鎮塞夫尼察的商店出現的各式慶祝川普宣誓就職的活動和商品。圖為白宮拖鞋。(JURE MAKOVEC/AFP/Getty Images)
Chocolates of the brand "First Lady", in reference to incoming US First Lady Melania Trump, are displayed on January 20, 2017, in Sevnica, Slovenia, Melania Trump's hometown. As the number of American visitors to Slovenia jumped by 11 percent to 80,000 between January and October last year compared to the same period in 2015, according to the Slovenian Tourism Board (STB), the small nation Alpine nation has lost no time tapping into the marketing opportunities from the glamorous wife of incoming President Donald Trump. / AFP / RENE GOMOLJ (Photo credit should read RENE GOMOLJ/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年1月20日,在斯洛文尼亞小鎮塞夫尼察商家擺出品名為「第一夫人」的巧克力。(RENE GOMOLJ/AFP/Getty Images)
A package of tea of the brand "First Lady", in reference to incoming US First Lady Melania Trump, is displayed on January 20, 2017, in Sevnica, Slovenia, Melania Trump's hometown. As the number of American visitors to Slovenia jumped by 11 percent to 80,000 between January and October last year compared to the same period in 2015, according to the Slovenian Tourism Board (STB), the small nation Alpine nation has lost no time tapping into the marketing opportunities from the glamorous wife of incoming President Donald Trump. / AFP / RENE GOMOLJ (Photo credit should read RENE GOMOLJ/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年1月20日,在斯洛文尼亞小鎮塞夫尼察商家擺出品名為「第一夫人」的包裝茶葉。(RENE GOMOLJ/AFP/Getty Images)
Salami and wine bottles of tea of the brand "First Lady", in reference to incoming US First Lady Melania Trump, are displayed on January 20, 2017, in Sevnica, Slovenia, Melania Trump's hometown. As the number of American visitors to Slovenia jumped by 11 percent to 80,000 between January and October last year compared to the same period in 2015, according to the Slovenian Tourism Board (STB), the small nation Alpine nation has lost no time tapping into the marketing opportunities from the glamorous wife of incoming President Donald Trump. / AFP / RENE GOMOLJ (Photo credit should read RENE GOMOLJ/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年1月20日,在斯洛文尼亞小鎮塞夫尼察商家擺出品名為「第一夫人」的酒和薩拉米。(RENE GOMOLJ/AFP/Getty Images)



TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BOJAN KAVCIC A hamburger called Presidential Hamburger (in reference to future US First Lady Melania Trump) is pictured on December 20, 2016 in Sevnica, Slovenia, Melania Trump's hometown. Golden "Melania" cakes, "White House" slippers, guided tours tracing her rise from pony-tailed schoolgirl to international model -- tiny Slovenia has tapped into big marketing opportunities thanks to its most famous daughter, the future US First Lady Melania Trump. / AFP / Jure MAKOVEC (Photo credit should read JURE MAKOVEC/AFP/Getty Images)
2016年12月20日,塞夫尼察當地的一家餐館推出的「總統」漢堡。(JURE MAKOVEC/AFP/Getty Images)
TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BOJAN KAVCIC A cake named 'Melania' (in reference to future US First Lady Melania Trump) is pictured in a bakery on December 20, 2016 in Sevnica, Slovenia, Melania Trump's hometown. Golden "Melania" cakes, "White House" slippers, guided tours tracing her rise from pony-tailed schoolgirl to international model -- tiny Slovenia has tapped into big marketing opportunities thanks to its most famous daughter, the future US First Lady Melania Trump. / AFP / Jure MAKOVEC (Photo credit should read JURE MAKOVEC/AFP/Getty Images)
2016年12月20日,塞夫尼察當地的一家餐館推出的「梅蘭妮亞」蛋糕。(JURE MAKOVEC/AFP/Getty Images)

前斯洛文尼亞文化部長、歐洲議會議員米蘭‧茲韋爾(Milan Zver)1月初在布魯塞爾接受新唐人採訪時表示,「很高興梅蘭尼亞‧川普夫人將成為美國的第一夫人。很重要的一點是她的兒子(指巴倫)會說斯洛文尼亞語。我希望這個事實將對美國和斯洛文尼亞之間的關係產生積極的影響。」


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