


Al Qaeda Leader Osama Bin Laden Killed in Pakistan by U.S. Forces





1. mastermind: [ˋmæstɚmaɪnd] n. 主謀、首腦

2. compound : [ˋkɑmpaʊnd] n. 宅院

3. shield : [ˋʃild] n. 盾牌

4. combatant: [ˋkɑmbətənt] n. 戰士

5. assault: [əˋsɔlt] force n.phr. 攻擊部隊

6. evacuate: [ɪˋvækjʊ͵et] v. 撤離

7. monitor: [ˋmɑnətɚ] v. 監視

8. real-time: [ˋril͵taɪm] adj. 即時的

9. intelligence : [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns] official: n.phr. 情報官員

Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden has been killed in a firefight with U.S. forces in Pakistan on Sunday (May 1st). In a late night briefing at the White House, U.S. president Barack Obama made the announcement, ending a nearly 10-year worldwide hunt for the mastermind of the September 11th attacks.


U.S. officials said Bin Laden was found in a million-dollar compound in the upscale town of Abbottabad, 35 miles north of the Pakistani capital Islamabad. A source familiar with the operation said Bin Laden was shot in the head.


According to U.S. officials, Bin Laden and three adult men, including his son, were killed along with a woman who was used as a shield by a male combatant.


The operation took under 40 minutes. A U.S. helicopter was lost due to a mechanical problem and its crew and assault force safely evacuated.


The operation was monitored in real-time by CIA Director Leon Panetta and other intelligence officials in a conference room at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.



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