

Justin Lee, David Lee
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Former Top Chinese Judge Gets Life in Prison

1. supreme : adj. 最高的;至上的
2. sentence : vt. 宣判,判決
3. bribery : n. 行賄;受賄
4. equivalent : n. 相等物;等價物
5. allegedly : adv. 據傳聞,據宣稱
6. ruling : n. 裁決,裁定;規定
7. charge : vt. 控告,指控
8. high-profile : adj. 倍受矚目;立場明確的
9. corruption : n. 墮落;腐化;貪污;賄賂
10. scandal : n. 醜聞,恥辱

A former Chinese Supreme Court judge has been sentenced to life in prison for embezzlement and bribery.

52-year-old Huang Songyou was convicted in a Beijing court on Tuesday for taking the equivalent of more than half a million U.S. dollars in bribes. He allegedly accepted the money from a law firm between 2005 and 2008 in exchange for making rulings in their favor. Huang was serving as a judge on the Supreme People’s Court at the time.

He was also charged with embezzling $176,000 U.S. dollars in government funds while serving as president of lower city-level court in China’s Guangdong Province in 1997.

Huang’s case is one in a string of high-profile corruption and embezzlement scandals in China over the past year.

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1. sentenced to life in prison for embezzlement and bribery.
for taking the equivalent f more than half a million U.S. dollars in bribes

2. He allegedly accepted the money from a law firm

3. in exchange for making rulings in their favor.

4. He was also charged with embezzling $176,000 U.S. dollars

5. in a string of high-profile corruption and embezzlement scandals


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