有一次,我去散步时,捡到一块人家丢弃的椭圆形海棉,仔细一看,有很多不规则的小孔洞。嗯,好像可以拿来作画呢。于是就拿回来沾墨沾色试试,画就许多张不同的构图,这是其中之一。(另一张题为樱花季,于专辑P. 66)
Green banner/ink and color painting
Once, when I went for a walk, I picked up a discarded oval sponge. Took a close look, there are many irregular holes. Well, it seemed that I can use it for painting. So, I took it back and dipped it with ink for trying, drew many different compositions and this is one of them.
Usually, if I picked up branches, grass stems, sands, feathers, vegetable melon cloth, corn sheaths, palm whiskers, etc., I took them back and gave a try. Due to present too many weird subjects, which have caught the attention of Mr. Chua Sze-ping, the host of “Literati Affairs – Public Television “. I was invited and interviewed in the program of “Xu Ming yi Experimental Ink Painting Pleasure” broadcasting (2013/10/10/16) on the public TV channel “Theaters for Scholars series 348” for one hour.@