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South Korean Teachers Become Millionaires


1. cram-school: n. 補習班
2. tutor: n. 家教
3. shipload: n. 船貨
4. Celebrity: n. 名人
5. salary: n. 薪資
6. subscriber: n.訂戶

If you want to strike it rich, you might like to consider a teaching job in South Korea. Some cram-school tutors are making millions of dollars each year.

These teachers aren’t only famous, but even make a shipload of money each year – about four million U.S. dollars to be exact.

In South Korea education is considered the best thing any parents can provide to their children and entrance exam schools are highly popular.

One of the top cram-school tutors, Woo Hyeong-cheol, has become an education celebrity and commands a salary higher than many of the best-paid athletes in the country.
一位頂尖補習班家教老師Woo Hyeong-cheol,已經成為教育名人,他的薪資比韓國收入最高的運動員還要高出許多。

The bulk of the tutors’ income comes from online classes, which in Woo’s case, has about 50,000 subscribers.
家教老師們的收入主要來自線上課程,在Woo Hyeong-cheol的個案中,大約有五萬名的線上訂戶。

7. revered: pp. 受尊敬的
8. nickname: n. 綽號
9. drop-out: n. 輟學生
10. characteristic: n.特質
11. elite: n. 菁英
12. a good catch: n. 釣到大魚

[Cho Uk-Hyen, Student]: “He is just like a celebrity. He has a lot of fans, he is revered, and everyone knows him. He even has such nicknames as ‘the God of math’ or ‘the savior for math drop-outs.”
一位叫做Cho Uk-Hyen的學生說:「他就像是一位名人,有很多的粉絲,他受到尊敬,每個人都知道他。他甚至有“數學之神”或是“數學輟學生的救星”稱號。

Online classes are far cheaper than regular cram schools. Some education experts believe the advances in technology helped good tutors become famous.

[Ryu Hangu, Korea Research Institute]:
“The characteristics of digital media can be copied and transmitted over and over, and have made internet classes conducted by famous tutors popular.”
南韓研究機構的Ryu Hangu說:「數位媒體的特質就是能夠被一再也被複製與傳輸,並讓知名家教老師所開設的線上課程更受歡迎。」

South Korean teens are often in the classroom for up to 12 hours a day. But it’s not just about getting good grades – they want to get into a top university that would lead to an elite career and make them a good catch.

Whilst prayers may help, in South Korea top tutors are seen as the key.



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