
流行美語 第295課

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Larry跟李華一起去外面散步。今天我們要學兩個常用語:in the mood和go with the flow.

LL: Hey, Lihua, it’s so beautiful outside, the sun is shining and I am so happy it is Saturday because we can go out and enjoy the perfect spring weather.

LH: 是啊,真是鳥語花香。這種天氣去外面走走簡直是超級享受。

LL: You know, I’m really “in the mood” for taking a long stroll and eating brunch at a cafe with outdoor seating.

LH: 什麼叫”in the mood”? 你怎麼啦,心裏有什麼不高興的事嗎?是不是壓力太大了。在外面散步是件很愜意的事啊,怎麼會讓你moody心情不好呢?

LL: No, “in the mood” means that I really want to do something, and it can be said in a few different situations.

LH: 所以你剛才說you are in the mood to go for a stroll and eat brunch outside, 意思其實是,你有興緻在外面走走,吃點東西嘍?

LL: Exactly. Are you “in the mood” to go for a walk and eat brunch outside?

LH: 只要天氣好,我隨時有興緻出去走走,I am always in the mood to take a walk outside.

LL: Well, since we’re walking to brunch, what kind of food are you “in the mood” for?

LH: I am in the mood for a tasty sandwich with extra cheese, 我現在最想吃一個可口的三明治,裡面加很多奶酪。

LL: I’m in the mood for a salad and a glass of iced tea.

LH: 那一會你有沒有興緻去看場電影呢?Are you in the mood to catch a movie after we eat?

LL: No, Lihua, I’m not in the mood. Today is such a beautiful day, I want to spend time outside soaking up the sun.

LH: 這麼說,如果我要表達自己不想幹某件事情,只要說not in the mood就可以了?

LL: Yes. You can simply say you’re “not in the mood” whenever you want to express that you’re not interested in doing something.

LH: 雖然天氣好,可是我還是不願意一整天待在外面曬太陽。That’s bad for your skin, Larry! 對皮膚不好。

LL: Oh, don’t worry, I brought some sun screen lotion. If you put this on your skin it will protect you from getting sun burned.

LH: 天氣預報說明天會下雨,will you be in the mood to see a movie then?

LL: Of course, I’m always in the mood to see a movie on a rainy day.


LL: Lihua, don’t worry about directions or picking a place to eat brunch, we’re walking down to Eastern Market, so we’ll find a place to eat when we get there, just go with the flow, ok?

LH: Go with the flow? 你是說我們應該跟著人流走嗎?我們要去的是Eastern Market,這些人可是往相反方向,去城裡上班的!

LL: No, “go with the flow” means to accept things as they happen and participate in the current activity.

LH: 可是Larry, 去哪裏一定要有計劃才行啊!不然會迷路的。

LL: That’s the point of the phrase, Lihua. “Go with the flow” means to go in one direction without any prior planning.

LH: 那你剛才說”go with the flow”意思是往Eastern Market的方向走,隨便找個地方吃東西嘍?

LL: That’s exactly what I mean. It’s spontaneous to “go with the flow.” There are so many places to eat brunch in the Eastern Market area, so we can just “go with the flow” and choose a place that looks good when we get there.

LH: “Go with the flow”可不是我的習慣。我去一個沒去過的地方,出發前一定要把路線圖查好,否則絕對不敢出門。

LL: Well, “going with the flow” today will be an exciting experience for you, Lihua.

LH: 你說的有道理,我太依賴互聯網了。如果漫無目的地隨便走走,沒準能找到不少有趣的地方呢!

LL: You know, Lihua, you can also shorten the phrase “go with the flow” by saying “go with it.”

LH: 所以說”go with the flow”和”go with it.”兩種說法可以通用嘍?

LL: That’s right Lihua. If I tell you to “go with the flow” or to “go with it” both sayings mean to be spontaneous and accept things as they happen.

LL: 在中文裡這叫順其自然。好,我肚子開始叫了。Let’s go with the flow and eat brunch!

今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是in the mood, 意思是有心情做某件事。另一個是go with the flow,意思是順其自然。


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