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Intel to Appeal 1-Billion Euro Antitrust Fine


1. fine :v. n. 處以罰款;罰款
2. halt: v. n. 暫停,停止;終止
3. rebate: v. n.對…給回扣;折扣;貼現
4. squeeze :v. 擠壓、壓縮
5.scrap: v. 廢棄、放棄

The European Commission fined Intel Corporation a record 1.06 billion Euros on Wednesday and ordered it to halt illegal rebates and other practices it used to squeeze out its rival, AMD.

Intel intends to appeal the fine.

The charges against the computer chip giant include paying computer makers to postpone or scrap plans to launch products using AMD chips, paying illegal rebates to encourage them to use Intel chips, and paying a retailer to stock computers with its chips.

6. Antitrust: n. 反托拉斯
7. impose: v. 徵(稅);加(負擔等)於
8. at stake : ph. 在危急關頭
9. dominance: n. 優勢;支配(地位)

The antitrust fine is being imposed after an eight-year investigation.

E.U. Competition commissioner, Neelie Kroes says innovation is at stake.
歐洲公平競爭委員Neelie Kroes 表示創新已在危急關頭。

[Neelie Kroes, E.U. Competition Commissioner]:
“And I think that we have to be aware that it’s not only about consumers’ choice but it’s also about how to stimulate innovation and in this case we can just give examples in which good innovation exercises are not getting a chance in the market.”

The Commission is responsible for seeing that companies do not abuse any market dominance or make deals that restrict competition in the 27-country European Union.

The Commission says Intel must cease all illegal practices immediately.

10. the Court of First Instance :n. 初審法院
11. administration of justice :n. 司法
12. comply with: v.phr. 遵守
13. undertaking :n. 事業;企業;工作
14. vigorously :adj. 激烈的
15. sanction: n. 制裁

But Intel says the company will appeal at the Court of First Instance, the E.U.’s second-highest court.

[Bruce Sewell, Intel General Counsel]:
“We will respect the proper administration of justice within the E.C. We will comply with all appropriate measures to secure an undertaking in the amount of the fine and we will defend ourselves vigorously by appealing this matter to the court of first instance.”
英特爾法務長Bruce Sewell:我們將尊重歐盟區內適當的司法。在此罰款金額下,我們會遵循所有適當的方式,以確保企業運作,並且將上訴歐盟位階第二的初審法院強力進行辯護。

Kroes said the E.U. antitrust sanctions would be carried out immediately.

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