Larry跟李華一起去麥當勞吃早飯。今天我們要學兩個常用語: full ride和chill out.
LL: Hey Lihua, I’m so happy I got to meet your sister Lijia this weekend. She’s such a talented musician, it’s no wonder she got a full ride to Julliard.
LH: 李佳上週末在DC玩得開心極了,可惜她要回紐約去上學,不能天天跟我在一起。哎,你剛才說,”She got a full ride to Julliard?「 她沒告訴我她每天坐校車上學啊!
LL: Lihua. A full ride is another name for an all-expenses-paid scholarship.
LH: 沒錯,李佳曾經獲得全國小提琴少年組第二名,所以就因此拿到了朱麗亞音樂學院的獎學金,可我還是不懂,獎學金跟搭車有什麼關係呢?
LL: A full ride means that all expenses are paid for her education at Julliard. A full ride covers everything from tuition to room and board.
LH: 哦,我終於明白了,full ride跟坐車一點關係都沒有,而是指全額獎學金。學校同意負擔李佳的學費、食宿和交通。Is that a full ride scholarship?
LL: Yes. A full ride scholarship is awarded to extraordinary students who are very intelligent and talented, and Julliard honored Lijia with a full ride scholarship because she has an exceptional academic record and she is a superb violin player.
LH: 不過,李佳告訴我說,她必需保持優異成績,才能繼續拿全額獎學金,不然,獎學金就會被取消。
LL: Yes, with full ride scholarships, the student is usually required to maintain a high grade point average, like 3.5 or above.
LH: 你是說,拿全額獎學金的學生平均成績一定要保持在3.5以上,那要是掉到3.0以下怎麼辦呢?
LL: If the student didn’t have a 3.5 grade point average or above, the college might suspend the full ride scholarship, and the student would be required to pay for that semester’s tuition and living costs.
LH: 如果成績不夠好,就要自己出學費?不行,我得趕緊告訴李佳加倍努力,朱麗亞音樂學院的學費那麼貴,自己出可出不起。She cannot afford to lose her full ride scholarship.
LL: Oh, Lihua, don’t worry. We both know Lijia is very hard working, and she enjoys what she’s studying. She shouldn’t have a problem keeping her full ride scholarship.
LH: 我畢竟是姐姐,有義務督促她努力學習,千萬不能丟掉獎學金。
LL: You’re such a good example Li Hua, because you got a full ride scholarship for your PhD program, right?
LH: 多虧有這份全額獎學金,我才能繼續唸書呢。今年六月論文答辯一過,我就正式畢業了。Once I receive my PhD degree, my full ride will end. 我得抓緊時間,趕緊找到工作。
LL: Lihua, I know the economy is pretty bad right now, but I don’t think you should rush to find a job. You’ve been working so hard on your PhD. – I think you deserve take some time off and just chill out.
LH: 給自己放假?現在就業市場這麼不好,失業的人比新就業的人還多,我可不敢掉以輕心!再說了,現在天氣越來越暖和,How can I chill out if it’s hot outside? 大熱天,怎麼能涼快呢!
LL: No, Lihua, chill out means to relax. It has nothing to do with the temperature outside.
LH: 我明白了。你的意思是說,我畢業以後應該好好放鬆一下自己。你覺得這樣能行嗎?
LL: Of course I think it’s a good idea to chill out. A lot of students take some time off after graduation to unwind. Some even travel for the entire summer and go backpacking through Europe.
LH: 有人用整整一個夏天去旅行,太過癮了。不過,我恐怕走到半路,我就口袋空空了。Larry, 你說我該怎樣去chill out呢?
LL: I think we could both chill out for a week and drive down to Virginia Beach to lounge on the sand and swim in the ocean with some friends.
LH: 不用寫論文,不用準備面試,沉浸在陽光和海水中,還有溫暖的沙灘,太美了。
LL: My uncle lives nearby, we could all stay at his house for a few nights.
LH: Oh Larry, chilling out sounds like so much fun! 從海邊回來,我還可以到紐約去找李佳,chill out some more!
今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是full ride, 意思是全額獎學金。另一個是chill out,意思是放鬆放鬆。(//www.dajiyuan.com)