

Daniel Chen
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本則英語影音新聞及出處:新唐人電視台英語新聞 //english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/ns_europe/2009-04-06/343344023291.html

1. behaviour: n. 變化狀態
2. dynamics: n. 動態
3. cumulus :n. 積雲
4. cirrus :n. 捲雲
5. baffle :v. 困擾
6. meteorologist :n. 氣象學家
7. up to now: ph. 到目前為止

Dutch scientists are saying that the behaviour of low clouds is the big mystery in climate predictions.

Clouds baffle scientists who say greater understanding of their dynamics is needed for accurate climate predictions.

From cumulus to cirrus, clouds have fascinated painters and poets. But they baffle scientists who say a greater understanding of them is needed for accurate climate predictions.

Meteorologists in the Netherlands have set up a virtual cloud laboratory to study clouds.

[Harm Jonker, professor at TU Delft]: “Up to now we have no idea if in a warmer climate there will be more clouds or less clouds and this will have a huge impact.”

1. reflect: v. 反射
2. vapour: n. 蒸氣
3. debate :v. 爭論; 辯論
4. greenhouse: n. 溫室
5. intergovernmental: adj. 政府與政府間的
6. unknown: n. 未知的事物

Jonker and other climate scientists at Delft focus their laboratory studies on the lower ‘fairweather’ clouds such as cumulus clouds, which reflect sunlight away from the earth and therefore have a cooling effect.

They are also investigating theories that there will be fewer fairweather clouds in warmer temperatures, because warm air can hold more water vapour than cold air. They also think that with fewer clouds around to reflect sunlight, global warming could accelerate.

Scientists at Delft said one of the problems with debating about climate change is that attention is focused mainly on the polluting effect of greenhouse gases.

[Harm Jonker, professor at TU Delft]: “Of course it’s very good there is a huge focus on greenhouse gases and what’s the result of them, but that’s only one side of the story. The other side of the story is how will the Earth respond to those changes and in that sense clouds play a major role.”

The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in its most recent report that cloud formation was one of the biggest unknowns in climate predictions.


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