

Chia-Chin Ho, David Lee
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Taipei 101 Aims to Become the Greenest

1. certification :n. 認證
2. LEED: n. (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) 能源與環境設計先導
3. emission:n. 排放
4. skyscraper: n. 摩天樓
5. solar panel: n. 太陽能電池板
6. facility: n. 設施

Powered by solar energy generated on its roof, Taipei 101, one of the world’s tallest buildings, is now aiming to become the greenest.

Taipei 101 announced its plan to apply for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification, or LEED certification, at the end of October. It’s set to start a $1.8 million project to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

The skyscraper is equipped with insulated windows, a rainwater collection system and solar panels.

[Michael Liu, Taipei 101 Spokesman]:
“I think eventually we are going to save ten percent, averagely ten percent, on water, energy, waste, on this averagely. And in terms of money, we are going to save 20 million NT (New Taiwanese) dollars ($620,000) each year, of which we are going to invest probably sixteen million NT to improve facilities, but we are going to save more in future every year.”
[Michael Liu, 台北101的發言人]:

According to the United Nations Environment program, turning buildings green could reduce carbon emissions by 1.8 billion tons per year worldwide.

That is easier said than done, especially in Asia, where the bottom line is often all that counts.

Despite the initial higher cost of environmentally friendly construction, architects say that it pays for itself after five or ten years, due to lower energy and water bills.

7. convince: v. 使信服
8. tenant: n. 租用者
9. landscaping :n. 環境美化
10. insulation: n. 絕緣物
11. leakage: n. 滲漏
12. apart from :prep. 除…之外

[Michael Liu, Taipei 101 Spokesman]:
“I think the biggest challenge for this project is to convince and to educate and encourage all the tenants. There are more than ten thousand people working in the tower, and we are going to make them believe that they are going to end up benefiting in energy saving, and in terms of cost as well. So, to encourage them to go with us step-by-step and eventually get a higher score to get the LEED is probably the most challenging part.”
[Michael Liu, 台北101的發言人]:

Some of the criteria for certification include bike storage, low water landscaping, recycled materials in new construction and waste reduction.

Other energy efficiency measures include simple improvements such as window insulation. Windows, are the greatest sources of heat loss and air leakage in buildings, and account for 11 percent of the total energy loss.

Apart from the energy savings, Taipei 101 wants to attract companies that already have a green policy, and get higher rent by providing a healthier work environment.


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