


Public Transportation


A: Where are you going?

B: I want to go downtown.

A: You need the number 12 bus.

B: Oh really?

A: Yes. The fare costs $1.10. Do you have the money?

B: Yes I do.

A: Do you have exact change?

B: I’m okay. Here is a dollar and here is a dime.

A: That’s great.

B: What time does the bus come?

A: The bus comes at 1 o’clock.

B: That’s in 10 minutes. I’m going to the bus stop now.

A: See you later.

B: Good-bye and thank you.


Number 12 bus 十二路汽車

fare 車費

Exact 正好

change 零錢


Bus stop 汽車站。


A: Hello

B: Hello, where would you like to go?

A: I’d like to go to the Blue Hotel please.

B: I don’t know where that is.

A: It is on the corner of 23rd street and Park Avenue.

B: Okay, let’s go.

A: How much is the fare?

B: It is $8.50.

A: Here is 10 dollars. Keep the change.

B: Thank you.

A: Good-bye.


keep 保留

Keep the change 把零錢留着

這句話在你給為你服務人的錢的時候很常用。在美國給服務人員小費是個習慣。這些服務行業的人員包括餐館的招待員﹐理髮店的理髮員﹐旅館為你提行李的服務員﹑和出租車司機。小費的數量一般是花錢總數的 15% 和 20% . 所以如果出租車的費用是 $8.50, 你給 $10 就可以了﹐如果你的理髮費是 $10 呢﹐你就交 $12. 如果你的飯錢是 $16﹐ 你給 $20 就比較合適。給餐館的服務員小費很重要﹐因為這些人掙的工資很低﹐全靠小費生活了。


A: Excuse me.

B: Yes.

A: What line is this?

B: This is the green line. Where do you want to go?

A: I want to go to the Chinatown station.

B: No problem. This is the right line.

A: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.


Token 投幣

Fare card 車票

Line 鐵軌﹐路線

Station 車站

Chinatown 中國城﹐唐人街

Chinatown station 中國城車站

Right 對的﹐ 正確

Right line 對的路線

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