Victory Mandarin School is a registered community language school; all teachers of our school are qualified. Mandarin is the official language of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. If you can speak Mandarin as well as English, you will create greater opportunities for future. The earlier you begin the better you will be.
開學 : 一月三十一日起,逢星期六上午9時至12時上課。
Commence : Commence on 31/01 Saturday,
From 9:00am to 12:00am.
地點 Located :Blakehurst High School.
270A Woniora Road Blakehurst 2221
《《 招收班級 》》 《《 CLASSES 》》
﹝1﹞ 幼童中文班─招收4至5歲幼童。 ﹝1﹞Mandarin K class for 4-5 year old.
﹝2﹞ 兒童中文班─招收小學各級學生。 ﹝2﹞Mandarin 1-6 class for primary.
聯絡電話:陳文彬 0414611085(//www.dajiyuan.com)