
看新聞,學英語(107) 辛樂克颱風侵台

David Lee
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Typhoon Sinlaku Strikes Taiwan

1. collapse: v. 倒塌
2. struck: v.p.t., 侵襲
3. sustained: adj. 持續的
4. torrential rains: n. 豪雨
5. mudslides: n. 土石流

Anchor: Today, four people are dead and seven missing, after Typhoon Sinlaku caused a section of a bridge in central Taiwan to collapse. Here’s more.

STORY: Sinlaku struck Taiwan with sustained winds up to 100 miles an hour on Sunday, bringing torrential rains and massive mudslides. Seventeen people were injured in some mountainous areas of the north. 新聞內容:辛樂克颱風以平均風速達到每小時100哩的速度,在周日帶來豪雨與巨大的山崩。在北部一些山區,有 17人受傷。

6. plunge: v. 跌進
7. span: n. 橋面
8. fatality: n. 死亡事故
9. occur: v. 發生
10. motor scooter: n. 機車

Part of a bridge in Taichung county of central Taiwan collapsed, killing at least one person in a vehicle that plunged from thespan into fast-moving waters below. 在中台灣台中縣的一座橋樑的部份倒塌,造成掉進急流中的車輛內至少一人死亡。

[Mrs. Lei, Victim’s Wife]:
“I told him that the third bridge might shut down because of the heavy rain. He said, ‘It’s all fixed, nothing to worry about,’ then he was killed the next day.” 罹難者的妻子雷太太說:「我告訴他第三座橋可能因豪雨關閉,他說“都整修過了,沒啥好擔心的”,然後他隔天就死了。」

Two others died in a mudslide in northern Taiwan. The fourth fatality occurred when a motor scooter slid into the ocean.

11. evacuation: n. 撤離
12. agricultural losses: n. 農業損失

Since Saturday the storm has caused hundreds of mudslides, left more than a quarter million without power, and led to more than 1,5000 evacuations. Agricultural losses are estimated to be close to $3.5 million dollars. 自週六起,暴風雨已引起數百起土石流,造成25萬戶停電,並且導致超過1萬5千戶撤離。農業損失據估計接近350萬美元。

The typhoon will weaken to a tropical storm as it heads for Japan. Sinlaku is the fourth storm of the season to hit the island this year. 當辛樂克颱風繼續朝向日本前進時,將減弱為熱帶風暴。辛樂克是今年侵襲台灣的第四個季節性颱風。


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